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C# .NET Framework 的颜色转换?

[英]Color transition for C# .NET Framework?

So I'm trying to make an app with caption buttons: "close, minimize, maximize/restore", but I can't seem to figure out how to transition the R,G,B values of the color to another one smoothly.所以我试图制作一个带有标题按钮的应用程序:“关闭、最小化、最大化/恢复”,但我似乎无法弄清楚如何将颜色的 R、G、B 值平滑地转换为另一个值。

I've gotten very good with Timers in C#, but I can't figure out how to calculate the values when transitioning.我对 C# 中的计时器非常熟悉,但我不知道如何在转换时计算值。

My code so far: (the close, minimize, etc stuffs are pre-made rectangles)到目前为止,我的代码:(关闭、最小化等内容是预制的矩形)

protected override void OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs e)
    var pos = e.Location;
    if (close.Contains(pos))
        Timer t = new Timer { Interval = 1 };
        t.Tick += delegate (object sender_, EventArgs e_)
            // transition here
    if (!close.Contains(pos))
        Timer t = new Timer { Interval = 1 };
        t.Tick += delegate (object sender_, EventArgs e_)
            // "reverse" code here

NOTE: I AM NOT ASKING FOR AN ENTIRE CODE SNIPPET , just some mathematical solutions so I can do this easily.注意:我不是要完整的代码片段,只是一些数学解决方案,所以我可以轻松地做到这一点。

When the button is clicked, compute the time at which you wish the transition to complete.单击按钮时,计算您希望转换完成的时间。 For example, you might take the current time and add 1 second.例如,您可以取当前时间并增加 1 秒。 Store this value.存储此值。

When the timer tick fires, perform these steps:当计时器刻度触发时,执行以下步骤:

  1. Compute the distance between the color's current value and its final value计算颜色的当前值与其最终值之间的距离
  2. Compute the time remaining until the transition is supposed to complete计算过渡应该完成之前的剩余时间
  3. Divide 1 by 2.将 1 除以 2。
  4. Nudge the color value by the result of 3.通过 3 的结果微调颜色值。

Repeat this for each tick and you should always hit the final color right on time, even if some of the ticks fail or end up overlapping.对每个刻度重复此操作,即使某些刻度失败或最终重叠,您也应该始终按时达到最终颜色。

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