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在 Apache .htaccess 中,设置 Header set Content-disposition,如何从 QUERY_STRING 值传递文件名

[英]In Apache .htaccess, set Header set Content-disposition, how to pass the filename from QUERY_STRING value

In Apache .htaccess, I have below block to force download.在 Apache .htaccess 中,我有以下块来强制下载。

<If "%{QUERY_STRING} =~ /fileName=/">
  ForceType application/octet-stream
  Header set "Content-disposition" "attachment; filename=download.doc"

This works fine.这工作正常。 Now I need to make the filename be the value of query string key "fileName".现在我需要使文件名成为查询字符串键“fileName”的值。

I know how to do this in Nginx.我知道如何在 Nginx 中做到这一点。 Below is the code.下面是代码。

if ($arg_fileName) {
    set $fname $arg_fileName;
    add_header Content-Disposition 'attachment; filename="$fname"';

How to do this in Apache .htaccess?如何在 Apache .htaccess 中做到这一点?

Thank you.谢谢你。

You could do something like this with the help of mod_rewrite:你可以在 mod_rewrite 的帮助下做这样的事情:

RewriteEngine On

# Save value of fileName URL param in environment variable FILENAME
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (?:^|&)fileName=([^&]+)
RewriteRule ^ - [E=FILENAME:%1]

# Conditionally set header only if FILENAME is set and use this in the header itself
Header set "Content-Disposition" "attachment; filename=\"%{FILENAME}e\"" env=FILENAME

([^&]+) - Note, however, that you might want to restrict the regex used to match the fileName parameter value , since not everything is necessarily permitted in the filename argument of the HTTP response header. ([^&]+) - 但是请注意,您可能希望限制用于匹配fileName参数的正则表达式,因为在 HTTP 响应标头的filename参数中不一定允许所有内容。 This can vary by browser and modern browsers do support more .这可能因浏览器而异,现代浏览器确实支持更多 Note also that the value grabbed from the QUERY_STRING is already URL-encoded.另请注意,从QUERY_STRING值已经是 URL 编码的。 So, maybe something like ([\\w.-]+) would be sufficient instead to match just az , AZ , 0-9 , _ , .所以,也许像([\\w.-]+)这样的东西就足以匹配az , AZ , 0-9 , _ , . and - ?-

The env=FILENAME argument results in the header only being set when the FILENAME env var exists, so this negates the need for the <If> expression. env=FILENAME参数导致仅当 FILENAME env var 存在时才设置标头,因此这不需要<If>表达式。

 ForceType application/octet-stream

This isn't strictly necessary to trigger a download , it is the Content-Disposition: attachment header that does this in any remotely modern browser.这并不是触发下载所必需的,而是Content-Disposition: attachment标头在任何远程现代浏览器中执行此操作。 In fact, it is not necessarily recommended to send the application/octet-stream mime-type for all responses.事实上,不一定建议为所有响应发送application/octet-stream mime-type。 You should be sending the correct Content-Type header for the resource being sent.您应该为正在发送的资源发送正确的Content-Type标头。

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