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Microsoft Exchange 的图形 API 订阅限制

[英]Graph API subscription limitations with Microsoft Exchange

I'm working on an application for my organization using graph API.我正在使用图形 API 为我的组织开发一个应用程序。 We're creating calendar events from our application.我们正在从我们的应用程序创建日历事件。 Now we want to receive notifications from Microsoft exchange if these calendar events are updated.现在,如果这些日历事件更新,我们希望从 Microsoft Exchange 接收通知。 So for that we tried using the graph API subscriptions.为此,我们尝试使用图形 API 订阅。 But these subs have a very small limit.但是这些潜艇的限制非常小。


Source : Azure AD resource limitation来源: Azure AD 资源限制

We have more than 2500 employees in single tenant and for those we'll need 2500 subs.我们在单一租户中有 2500 多名员工,对于这些员工,我们需要 2500 名订阅者。 So need help or a work around this limitation.因此需要帮助或解决此限制。

Regards Thanks in advance Tushar Gupta提前致谢 Tushar Gupta

上述文档表明它不适用于日历/事件,只是它们适用于 Azure AD 资源。

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