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seaborn 点图可视化

[英]seaborn point plot visualization


I am plotting a point plot to show the relationship between "workclass", "sex", "occupation" and "Income exceed 50K or not".我正在绘制一个点图来显示“工人阶级”、“性别”、“职业”和“收入是否超过 50K”之间的关系。 However, the result is a mess.然而,结果却是一团糟。 The legends are stick together, Female and Male are both shown in blue colors in the legend etc.传说是粘在一起的,女性和男性在传说中都以蓝色显示,等等。

#Co-relate categorical features
grid = sns.FacetGrid(train, row='occupation', size=6, aspect=1.6)
grid.map(sns.pointplot, 'workclass', 'exceeds50K', 'sex', palette='deep', markers = ["o", "x"] )

Please advise how to fit the size of the plot.请告知如何适应地块的大小。 Thanks!谢谢!

It sounds like 'exceeds50k' is a categorical variable.听起来 'exceeds50k' 是一个分类变量。 Your y variable needs to be continuous for a point plot.对于点图,您的 y 变量需要是连续的。 So assuming this is your dataset:所以假设这是你的数据集:

import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
df =pd.read_csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/katreparitosh/Income-Predictor-Model/master/Database/adult.csv")

We simplify some categories to plot for example sake:我们简化了一些类别来绘制例如:

df['native.country'] = [i if i == 'United-States' else 'others' for i in df['native.country']  ]
df['race'] = [i if i == 'White' else 'others' for i in df['race']  ]


    age workclass   fnlwgt  education   education.num   marital.status  occupation  relationship    race    sex capital.gain    capital.loss    hours.per.week  native.country  income
0   90  ?   77053   HS-grad 9   Widowed ?   Not-in-family   White   Female  0   4356    40  United-States   <=50K
1   82  Private 132870  HS-grad 9   Widowed Exec-managerial Not-in-family   White   Female  0   4356    18  United

If the y variable is categorical, you might want to use a barplot:如果 y 变量是分类变量,您可能需要使用条形图:

sns.catplot(hue='income',x='sex', palette='deep',data=df,


If it is continuous, for example age, you can see it works:如果它是连续的,例如年龄,您可以看到它的工作原理:

grid = sns.FacetGrid(df, row='race', height=3, aspect=1.6)
grid.map(sns.pointplot, 'native.country', 'age', 'sex', palette='deep', markers = ["o", "x"] )


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