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批处理文件 wmic 用法

[英]batch file wmic usage

I need to get pid from below command which works if I use it in command line like below:如果我在命令行中使用它,我需要从下面的命令中获取pid ,如下所示:

wmic process where "name="java.exe" and CommandLine like '%%cassandra%%'" get ProcessId | FINDSTR /v ProcessId | FINDSTR /r /v "^$"

but fails if used in .bat file:但如果在 .bat 文件中使用则会失败:

FOR /F "tokens=2" %%G IN ('wmic process where ^(name^="java.exe"^ and CommandLine like '%%cassandra%%') get ProcessId ^| FINDSTR /v ProcessId ^| FINDSTR /r /v "^$"') DO (
   set PARENT_PID=%%G

Can anyone help in this?任何人都可以帮忙吗?

Your escape points are incorrect and not sure if you enabled delayedexpansion , but I will not be using it in this example:你的转义点不正确,不确定你是否启用了delayedexpansion ,但我不会在这个例子中使用它:

@echo off
for /F "tokens=2 delims==" %%G IN ('wmic process where (name^="java.exe" and commandline like '%%cassandra%%'^) get ProcessId /value') DO if not defined parent_pid set "parent_pid=%%G"
echo %parent_pid%

You will note that I used the /value switch for wmic and removed the findstr /v command, because I am using = as delimiter for splitting the value.您会注意到我为wmic使用了/value开关并删除了findstr /v命令,因为我使用=作为分割值的分隔符。

Also note, if you have more than one process running with the same commandline and name, you will only get one result, because you only set a value once, so in that case, do not set a variable.另请注意,如果您有多个进程使用相同的命令行和名称运行,您只会得到一个结果,因为您只设置了一次值,因此在这种情况下,不要设置变量。 ie: IE:

@echo off
for /F "tokens=2 delims==" %%G IN ('wmic process where (name^="java.exe" and commandline like '%%cassandra%%'^) get ProcessId /value') DO echo %%G

The code you use within the for /F loop is not the same as the one you tried in Command Prompt as there are additional parentheses.您在for /F循环中使用的代码与您在命令提示符中尝试的代码不同,因为有额外的括号。 Then you are escaping the opening ( but forgot the closing ) , which is more important as it ends the parenthesised block behind the in keyword.然后你正在逃避开头(但忘记了结尾) ,这更重要,因为它结束了in关键字后面的括号块。

Anyway, you should change the wmic command line and quote the whole where clause:无论如何,您应该更改wmic命令行并引用整个where子句:

wmic Process where "Name='java.exe' and CommandLine like '%%cassandra%%'" get ProcessId

So you do not have to bother to build escape sequences when using this inside of for /F :因此,在for /F内部使用它时,您不必费心构建转义序列:

for /F "skip=1 delims=" %%P in ('
    wmic Process where "Name='java.exe' and CommandLine like '%%cassandra%%'" get ProcessId
') do for /F "tokens=1" %%Q in ("%%P") do set "PARENT_PID=%%Q"

The second for /F loop is used to remove arefacts (orphaned carriage-return characters) coming from the Unicode-to-ASCII/ANSI conversion of the wmic command by for /F .第二个for /F循环用于删除来自for /Fwmic命令的 Unicode 到 ASCII/ANSI 转换的事实(孤立的回车字符)。

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