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使用 Discord Py 计算具有特定角色的所有成员

[英]Count all members with a specific role with Discord Py

I'm almost new to programming.我几乎是编程新手。 I wanted to add a function to my bot to count the amount of members with x role, it'll always be the same role.我想在我的机器人中添加一个 function 来计算具有 x 角色的成员数量,它始终是相同的角色。 I've been trying to use role.members , but I get the error我一直在尝试使用role.members ,但出现错误

NameError: name 'role' is not defined NameError:未定义名称“角色”

Thank you!谢谢!

Use len on Role.members but to get a role you do Guild.get_role(role_id)Role.members上使用len但要获得角色Guild.get_role(role_id)

Below is the code:下面是代码:

async def rolemembers(ctx):
    role = ctx.guild.get_role(ROLE_ID)
    await ctx.send(len(role.members))

probably a bit late but you might want to check using intents in order to use the solution.可能有点晚了,但您可能想检查使用意图以使用解决方案。

Ref: Discord Bot can only see itself and no other users in guild参考: Discord Bot 只能看到自己,而不能看到公会中的其他用户

Copy me This is the simplest way ever复制我这是有史以来最简单的方法

import discord
from discord.ext import commands,tasks
intents = discord.Intents.default()  
intents.members = True

#If without intents It will return 0 so it should be like this

bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix='?',intents=intents)

#You can create any name 
async def users_in_role(ctx,role: discord.Role):  
  #this will give the length of the users in role in an embed
  embed = discord.Embed(description = 
  f"**Users in role:**\n{len(role.members)}")
  await ctx.send(embed=embed)

async def on_ready():
  print('bot online')

#in the discord type ``?users_in_role @role_name`` example ``?users_in_role @Owner``

#for the discord token you should go to discord.dev and make an application and in the bot page create a bot and then copy its token


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