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Flutter 如何遍历 ListView 中的每个项目?

[英]Flutter How do I iterate over each item in a ListView?

I'm new to flutter and have created a simple app to display some custom List Tiles.我是 flutter 的新手,并创建了一个简单的应用程序来显示一些自定义列表磁贴。 In each tile, it's possible to increase or decrease the count by the + and - buttons.在每个磁贴中,可以通过 + 和 - 按钮增加或减少计数。

But I want to get these data into a map, on the click of the button "Order".但是我想通过单击“订购”按钮将这些数据放入地图中。 For example, my map would be like {'shoes': 1, 'books': 2, 'water': 3} etc.例如,我的地图类似于{'shoes': 1, 'books': 2, 'water': 3}等。

I've tried Provider, StreamBuilder, BLoC etc. But since I'm a beginner, I couldn't get a real use of any of those.我尝试过 Provider、StreamBuilder、BLoC 等。但由于我是初学者,我无法真正使用其中的任何一个。

Could any of you please tell me how to get this data into a map.你们中的任何人都可以告诉我如何将这些数据放入地图中。

Thanks for reading.谢谢阅读。


You can define a Map like this:您可以像这样定义Map

List<String> products = ['shoes', 'books', 'water'];
Map<String,int> map = Map.fromIterables(products , 0);

When user press - or + buttons in each tile, update your equvalent <key, value> in your map.当用户在每个图块中按 - 或 + 按钮时,更新地图中的等效 <key, value>。 For example in onTap event of shoes 's + button you have例如在shoes的 + 按钮的onTap事件中,你有

map.update('shoes', (v)=> v+1);

Then you can use updated map in onTap of Order button.然后您可以在Order按钮的onTap中使用更新的map

For more info about Map in dart visit this link.有关 dart 中地图的更多信息,请访问链接。

With "bloc", you need to build your events, states in the Bloc would be something like that:使用“集团”,你需要建立你的事件,集团中的状态将是这样的:

The event will be where the Bloc is triggered.该事件将是触发 Bloc 的地方。

part of 'something_bloc.dart';

abstract class SomethingEvent{}

class ListOfSomething extends SomethingEvent{}

class SomethingElse extends SomethingEvent{
  final String input;

  List<Object> get props => [input];

The state is where the result of what was triggered in the event will be manifested, whether successful or unsuccessful:状态是事件中触发的结果将显示出来的地方,无论是成功还是不成功:

part of 'Something_bloc.dart';

abstract class SomethingState{}

class SomethingInitial extends SomethingState{}

class SomethingLoading extends SomethingState{}

class SomethingSuccess extends SomethingState{
  final String success;

The "bloc" is where to manage these events and states: “块”是管理这些事件和状态的地方:

part 'something_event.dart';
part 'something_state.dart';

class SomethingBloc extends Bloc<SomethingEvent,SomethingState>{
 final ServiceFacade service;

  SomethingState get initialState => SomethingInitial();

  Stream<SomethingState> mapEventToState(SomethingEvent event) async* {
    if(event is SomethingEvent){
      final failureOrSuccess = await service.call(event.cardId);
      yield failureOrSuccess.fold(
              (failure) => (failure is GeneralFailure)
                  ? SomethingErrorState(error: failure.message)
                  : null,
              (list) => SomethingState(success: list)


The screen will look something like this, you can trigger the event in an OnPressed , or initialize it in the initState() :屏幕看起来像这样,您可以在OnPressed触发事件,或在initState()初始化它:

    BlocConsumer<SomethingBloc, SomethingState>(
                    listener: (context, state) {
                      if (state is SomethingLoadingState) {
                      } else if (state is SomethingErrorState) {
                      } else if (state is SomethingSuccess) {
                    builder: (context, state) {
                      if (state is SomethingSuccess) {
                        return Padding(
                          padding: paddingHorizontal,
                            child: Column(
                              children: <Widget>[
                                for (var item in state.list)

                                 child: Text('${item}')
                      } else {
                        return Container();

I hope I've helped in general terms.我希望我在一般情况下有所帮助。

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