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我使用 laravel 6 看不到我的更新个人资料图片

[英]I can't see my update profile image using laravel 6

i am trying to update the image of profil ,because to user at the beginning it creates account without image, after it goes the update, so i store the image in root /aswakfolder/public/storage/profiles and i insert image link in db profiles/nameimage.jpeg , i created a function in helpers.php file to display the image its work very will, the problem here is that I do not understand the helpers function, and it does not meet my needs, my need is when image upload and exists it displays my image if not it displays image not-found.jpeg,in my case it always displays not-found.jpeg.我正在尝试更新 profil 的图像,因为用户在开始时它创建没有图像的帐户,更新后,所以我将图像存储在 root /aswakfolder/public/storage/profiles并在 db 中插入图像链接profiles/nameimage.jpeg ,我在helpers.php文件中创建了一个函数来显示图像,它的工作非常好,这里的问题是我不理解 helpers 函数,它不满足我的需求,我的需要是当图像上传并存在它显示我的图像如果不是它显示图像not-found.jpeg,在我的情况下它总是显示not-found.jpeg。 stock image in my folder, and url image insert in db very well.我的文件夹中的库存图像,并且 url 图像在 db 中插入得很好。


 public function update(Request $request, $id)
        $image = $request->file('image'); 
        $path = $request->image->store('profiles');
        $user->image = $path;
        $request->image = $user->image;
        $user->id       = Auth::user()->id;
            $user->name      => $request->name,
            $user->email     => $request->email,
            $user->telephone => $request->telephone,
            $user->daten     => $request->daten,
            $user->country_id=> $request->country_id,
            $user->state_id  => $request->state_id,
            $user->city_id   => $request->city_id,
            $user->image     => $request->image,

        session()->flash('success', 'user updated successfully !!');
       return redirect('users'); 


function productImage($path)
    return $path && file_exists('/aswakfolder/public/storage/'.$path) ? asset('/aswakfolder/public/storage/'.$path) : asset('/aswakfolder/public/storage/not-found.jpg');

index.blade.php index.blade.php

<div class="inner" style="background-image: url({{ asset(productImage($users->image)) }})">

Make sure you run the commend php artisan storage:link to create the shortcurt on public/ folder.确保您运行php artisan storage:link commcomm 在public/文件夹上创建快捷方式。


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