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如何在 clang 格式的函数参数包装和对齐上强加我自己的自定义样式?

[英]How can I impose my own custom style on function parameter wrapping and alignment in clang-format?

Following on from How can I align function parameter names in clang-format?如何以 clang 格式对齐函数参数名称? , I'd like to be able to do the opposite. ,我希望能够做相反的事情。 In other words, this:换句话说,这:

void ReallyLongFunctionNameWithLotsOfParams(Type param1, Type param2, Type param3,
    Type param4, Type param5, Type param6, Type param7, Type param8, Type param9) {
    ...function body

Instead of this:取而代之的是:

void ReallyLongFunctionNameWithLotsOfParams(Type param1, Type param2, Type param3,
                                            Type param4, Type param5, Type param6,
                                            Type param7, Type param8, Type param9) {
    ...function body

Is the former possible?前者可能吗? The latter looks incredibly ugly to me and simply inversing @AhmedFasih's instructions in his answer to the linked question does nothing, at least not for me:后者对我来说看起来非常丑陋,并且在他对链接问题的回答中简单地反转@AhmedFasih 的说明没有任何作用,至少对我来说不是:

with BinPackArguments and BinPackParameters both false, and AlignConsecutiveAssignments and AlignConsecutiveDeclarations both set to true (documentation of these parameters). BinPackArguments 和 BinPackParameters 均为 false,AlignConsecutiveAssignments 和 AlignConsecutiveDeclarations 均设置为 true(这些参数的文档)。

I'm using VS Code v1.50.1 (system setup), commit d2e414d9e4239a252d1ab117bd7067f125afd80a which uses clang-format v10.0.1.我正在使用 VS Code v1.50.1(系统设置),提交 d2e414d9e4239a252d1ab117bd7067f125afd80a,它使用 clang 格式 v10.0.1。

Update : I just realised my comment was a little harsh, and that I should provide some context here to encourage clicking through to the linked page.更新:我刚刚意识到我的评论有点苛刻,我应该在此处提供一些上下文以鼓励点击链接页面。 Apologies for any offence taken by anyone in this short time.对任何人在这短时间内所犯的任何罪行表示歉意。 I should also provide my .clang-format as suggested by sweenish, so here it is:我还应该.clang-format建议提供我的.clang-format ,所以这里是:

BasedOnStyle:                           Google
AccessModifierOffset:                   -4
AlignConsecutiveDeclarations:           false
AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine:    false
BinPackArguments:                       true
BinPackParameters:                      true
    AfterClass:                         false
    AfterControlStatement:              false
    AfterEnum:                          false
    AfterFunction:                      false
    AfterNamespace:                     false
    AfterObjCDeclaration:               false
    AfterStruct:                        false
    AfterUnion:                         false
    BeforeCatch:                        false
    BeforeElse:                         false
    IndentBraces:                       false
BreakBeforeBraces:                      Custom
ColumnLimit:                            0
IndentCaseLabels:                       true
IndentWidth:                            4
PointerAlignment:                       Left
TabWidth:                               4
UseTab:                                 Always

Add the following setting, AlignAfterOpenBracket: DontAlign , to your .clang-format file.将以下设置AlignAfterOpenBracket: DontAlign添加到您的 .clang 格式文件中。

If you want to control the size of the indent (for example, using 8 instead of 4), you would also need to provide a value to ContinuationIndentWidth .如果您想控制缩进的大小(例如,使用 8 而不是 4),您还需要为ContinuationIndentWidth提供一个值。

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