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AWS DynamoDB 使用 Python/Boto3/Lamba 更新整数计数器

[英]AWS DynamoDB update integer counter with Python/Boto3/Lamba

I have a DynamoDB table with a integer value, which needs to be incremented using Python/Boto3/AWS-Lambda environment.我有一个带有整数值的 DynamoDB 表,需要使用 Python/Boto3/AWS-Lambda 环境对其进行递增。

  "userid": 1234567890,
  "likemetrics": 0,
  "lasttimestamp": 1604553995

I am trying to increment the likemetrics integer counter using atomic increment method dynamodb: how to increment a value in map , but fails during testing.我正在尝试使用原子增量方法dynamodb: how to increment a value in map来增加 likemetrics 整数计数器,但在测试过程中失败。

   responseupd = dydb_usertable.update_item(
        Key = {
            'userid': 1234567890
        ExpressionAttributeValues: { ":inc": {N: "1"} },
        UpdateExpression: "ADD likemetrics :inc"

The error thrown by console is控制台抛出的错误是

  "errorMessage": "Syntax error in module 'lambda_function': unindent does not match any outer indentation level (lambda_function.py, line 34)",
  "errorType": "Runtime.UserCodeSyntaxError",
  "stackTrace": [
    "  File \"/var/task/lambda_function.py\" Line 34\n           responseupd = dydb_usertable.update_item(\n"

Please carefuly look at the documentation here :请仔细查看此处的文档:

You are using mixed, Javascript and Python syntax.您正在使用混合的 Javascript 和 Python 语法。 It should be corrected as below:应按如下方式更正:

    Key = {
        'userid': {
            'N': 1234567890
    ExpressionAttributeValues = { ":inc": {"N": "1"} },
    UpdateExpression = "ADD likemetrics :inc"

See updated syntax:查看更新的语法:

            'userid': 1234567890
        UpdateExpression="ADD likemetrics :inc",
            ':inc': 1

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