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[英]Regex match all punctuations except 'D.C.'

我正在尝试编写一个查找所有标点符号 [.!?] 的正则表达式,以便将下一个单词大写,但是如果句点是字符串 'DC' 的一部分,它应该被忽略,到目前为止我有第一部分工作,但不确定如何忽略“DC”

const punctuationCaps = /(^|[.!?]\\s+)([az])/g;

You can match the DC part and use an alternation using the 2 capturing groups that you already have.您可以匹配DC部分并使用您已有的 2 个捕获组进行交替。

In the replacement check for one of the groups.在其中一组的替换检查中。 If it is present, concatenate them making group 2 toUpperCase(), else return the match keeping DC in the string.如果存在,则将它们连接起来形成第 2 组 toUpperCase(),否则返回将 DC 保留在字符串中的匹配项。

 const regex = /D\\.C\\.|(^|[.!?]\\s+)([az])/g; let s = "this it DC test. and? another test! it is."; s = s.replace(regex, (m, g1, g2) => g2 ? g1 + g2.toUpperCase() : m); console.log(s);

Use a negative lookahead:使用负前瞻:

 var str = 'is DC a capital? i don\\'t know about XY stuff.'; var result = str.replace(/(^|[.!?](?<![AZ]\\.[AZ]\\.)\\s+)([az])/g, (m, c1, c2) => { return c1 + c2.toUpperCase(); }); console.log('in: '+str); console.log('out: '+result);

Console output:控制台输出:

in:  is D.C. a capital? i don't know about X.Y. stuff.
out: Is D.C. a capital? I don't know about X.Y. stuff.


  • (^|[.!?]) - expect start of string, or a punctuation char (^|[.!?]) - 期待字符串的开始,或标点字符
  • (?<![AZ]\\.[AZ]\\.) - negative lookahead: but not a sequence of upper char and dot, repeated twice (?<![AZ]\\.[AZ]\\.) - 负前瞻:但不是高位字符和点的序列,重复两次
  • \\s+ - expect one or more whitespace chars \\s+ - 期待一个或多个空白字符
  • all of the above is captured because of the parenthesis由于括号,上述所有内容都被捕获
  • ([az]) - expect a lower case char, in parenthesis for second capture group ([az]) - 期望一个小写字符,在第二个捕获组的括号中

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