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NestJS 无法解析导入模块的依赖

[英]NestJS can't resolve dependency of imported module

I have four modules, App -> Dog -> Access -> Mongo (dependencies as shown by the arrows).我有四个模块,App -> Dog -> Access -> Mongo(依赖项如箭头所示)。 In the App also the MongoDB is connected with MongooseModule.forRootAsync() which is then used in the MongoModule with MongooseModule.forFeature() .在应用程序中,MongoDB 也与MongooseModule.forRootAsync()连接,然后在MongoModule使用MongooseModule.forFeature() The full code can be found in this example project .完整代码可以在这个示例项目中找到。

I want to use the AccessGuard provided via the AccessModule (which internally uses the MongoModule ) to be available in the DogModule .我想用AccessGuard通过提供AccessModule (其内部使用MongoModule )是在现有的DogModule

With the code below I get this error message:使用下面的代码,我收到此错误消息:

[Nest] 31164   - 11/10/2020, 5:11:29 PM   [ExceptionHandler] Nest can't resolve dependencies of the AccessGuard (?). Please make sure that the argument Mongo at index [0] is available in the DogModule context.

Potential solutions:
- If Mongo is a provider, is it part of the current DogModule?
- If Mongo is exported from a separate @Module, is that module imported within DogModule?
    imports: [ /* the Module containing Mongo */ ]

app.module.ts: app.module.ts:

  imports: [
      useFactory: async () => {
        let info = mongod.getInstanceInfo()

        if (!info) {
          await mongod.start()

        info = mongod.getInstanceInfo()

        if (info) {
          return {
            uri: info.uri,
            dbName: "dogsDB",
            useCreateIndex: true,
            promiseLibrary: global.Promise,
            useNewUrlParser: true,
            useUnifiedTopology: true,
            useFindAndModify: false,
          } as MongooseModuleOptions
export class AppModule {}

dog.module.ts: dog.module.ts:

  imports: [AccessModule],
  providers: [AccessGuard],
  controllers: [DogController],
export class DogModule {}

access.module.ts: access.module.ts:

  imports: [MongoModule],
  providers: [AccessGuard],
  exports: [AccessGuard],
export class AccessModule {}

access.guard.ts: access.guard.ts:

export class AccessGuard implements CanActivate {
  constructor(private mongo: Mongo) {}

  async canActivate(context: ExecutionContext): Promise<boolean> {
    return await this.mongo.hasDog()

mongo.module.ts mongo.module.ts

  imports: [
        name: Dog.name,
        schema: DogSchema,
  providers: [Mongo],
  exports: [Mongo],
export class MongoModule {}

When I add the MongoModule to the DogModule it works.当我添加MongoModuleDogModule它的工作原理。 However, that is not how it should be I guess, because the DogModule doesn't actually use the Mongo class.然而,我猜这不应该是这样,因为 DogModule 实际上并不使用Mongo类。 The DogModule only needs the AccessGuard from the AccessModule . DogModule只需要AccessModuleAccessGuard

Quick note: guards and other enhancers don't need to be added to the providers array.快速说明:守卫和其他增强器不需要添加到providers数组中。 They are @Injectable() , but they live in a pseudo-space that allows them to be outside of the providers arrays of @Module() s.它们是@Injectable() ,但它们存在于一个伪空间中,允许它们位于@Module() s 的providers数组之外。 Weird, I know, but it's how things are.奇怪,我知道,但事情就是这样。

All the needs to happen from there is if the guard is used in a module, then that module needs to have access to the guards dependencies, in this case, the module needs to have imports: [MongoModule] as MongoModule both provides and exports the Mongo @Injectable() class从那里发生的所有需要​​是,如果在模块中使用了守卫,那么该模块需要访问守卫依赖项,在这种情况下,模块需要imports: [MongoModule]作为MongoModule providesexports Mongo @Injectable()

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