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使用 JUnit4 的 TestFX:如何在某个 TextField 中按 ENTER 键?

[英]TestFX with JUnit4: How can I press the ENTER key in a certain TextField?

I want to test, if a certain TextField (maybe there are several TextFields ) has an EventHandler set via setOnAction .我想测试某个TextField (可能有多个TextFields )是否通过setOnAction设置了EventHandler In the test code I can set the content (eg "HelloWorld") into the TextField .在测试代码中,我可以将内容(例如“HelloWorld”)设置到TextField中。 In my understanding I have to place the curser at the end of the text in the TextField and then, call press(KeyCode.ENTER) .据我了解,我必须将光标放在 TextField 中文本的末尾,然后调用press(KeyCode.ENTER) Is there a TestFX call to place the curser aa certain point within a certain TextField?是否有 TestFX 调用将光标放置在某个 TextField 中的某个点? Or is there another way to test this?还是有另一种方法来测试这个?

Regards, Jörg问候,约尔格

[EDIT] Here is an example: [编辑] 这是一个例子:

package testestfx;

import javafx.scene.control.Label;
import javafx.scene.control.TextField;
import javafx.scene.layout.VBox;

public class SimpleGui extends VBox {
  private static final org.slf4j.Logger logger =

  private TextField field1;
  private TextField field2;
  private Label label;

  public SimpleGui() {
    field1 = new TextField("Textfield1");
    field2 = new TextField("Textfield2");
    field1.setOnAction((event) -> onActionDoThis());
    field2.setOnAction((event) -> onActionDoThat());
    label = new Label("Label");
    getChildren().addAll(field1, field2 );

  public TextField getField1() {
    return field1;

  public TextField getField2() {
    return field2;

  public Label getLabel() {
    return label;

  void onActionDoThis() {

  void onActionDoThat() {

And here is the test:这是测试:

package testtestfx;

import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.scene.control.Label;
import javafx.scene.control.TextField;
import javafx.scene.input.KeyCode;
import javafx.stage.Stage;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.testfx.framework.junit.ApplicationTest;
import testestfx.SimpleGui;

import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;

public class TestSimpleGUI extends ApplicationTest {
  private static final org.slf4j.Logger logger =
  private SimpleGui gui;

  public void start(final Stage stage) throws Exception {
    gui = new SimpleGui();
    stage.setScene(new Scene(gui));

  public void testEnterKeystroke() {
    TextField t2 = gui.getField2();
    TextField t1 = gui.getField1();
    Label l1 = gui.getLabel();
    assertEquals("That", l1.getText());


The console output is:控制台output是:

15:43:29.366 [JavaFX Application Thread] [INFO] SimpleGui - This

Expected :That
Actual   :This


You can set the focus on a TextField like this:您可以像这样将焦点设置在 TextField 上:


kind regards亲切的问候


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