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当我尝试使用 Laravel 7 live-wire 数据表将超过 100,000 条记录导出到 excel 时,在共享主机上出现 503 服务不可用错误

[英]Getting a 503 service unavailable error on shared hosting when I try to export over 100,000 records to excel using Laravel 7 live-wire data tables

Getting a 503 error on shared when I try to export over 100,000 records to excel on shared hosting using laravel live wire datatables, my localhost, on the other hand, is behaving well.当我尝试使用 laravel live wire 数据表导出超过 100,000 条记录以在共享主机上表现出色时,在共享时出现 503 错误,另一方面,我的本地主机表现良好。 Find attached screenshots of my .user.ini on shared hosting which has similar values with my php.ini file on my localhost and the error screen:在共享主机上找到我的 .user.ini 的附加屏幕截图,它与我的本地主机上的 php.ini 文件和错误屏幕具有相似的值:

.user.ini 文件


I ve been experiencing the same issue with hostgator.我在使用 hostgator 时遇到了同样的问题。 From what i read up this happens when cpu threshold limit is exceeded and the IIS tries to recycle the application pool or there are multiple frequent application crashes.从我读到的,当超过 cpu 阈值限制并且 IIS 尝试回收应用程序池或存在多个频繁的应用程序崩溃时,就会发生这种情况。 So one suggestion is to request the hosting provider to disable rapid fail protection:因此,一个建议是请求托管服务提供商禁用快速故障保护:

check this out 看一下这个


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