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如何在 html 模板中显示 nut,date 字段? 如何访问html模板中的外键字段?

[英]how to display the nut,date fields in html template ? how to access foreign key fields in html tamplate?

I have three models in models.py which are Topic,Webpage and AccessRecord.我在models.py中有三个模型,它们是Topic、Webpage和AccessRecord。 class AccessRecord has foreign key relation with class Webpage i wanna use AccessRecord fields nut,date in html template which is used to display class Webpage content how we can access AccessRecord fields in which has a foreign relation with class Webpage ?类 AccessRecord 与类网页有外键关系我想在用于显示类网页内容的 html 模板中使用 AccessRecord 字段 nut,date 我们如何访问与类网页有外来关系的 AccessRecord 字段?

this is my model :这是我的模型

    class Topic(models.Model):
        top_name = models.CharField(max_length=264,unique=True)

        def __str__(self):
            return self.top_name

    class Webpage(models.Model):
        topic = models.ForeignKey(Topic)
        name = models.CharField(max_length=264,unique=True)
        url = models.URLField(unique=True)


        def __str__(self):
            return self.name

    class AccessRecord(models.Model):
        name = models.ForeignKey(Webpage)
        date = models.DateField()
        nut = models.CharField(max_length=56)

        def __str__(self):
            return str(self.date)

this is my view :这是我的观点

    def index(request):
        webpage_list = Webpage.objects.all()
        web_dict = {"web_records":webpage_list}
        return render(request,'first_app/index.html',web_dict)

this is my template :这是我的模板

    <h1>Hi, welcome to Django Level Two!</h1>
    <h2>Here are your access records:</h2>
    <div class="djangtwo">
      {% if web_records %}
      <table style="float: left">
              <th>Topic Name</th>
              <th>Site name</th>
              <th>Url Accessed</th>
              <th>Date Accessed</th>
              <th>Webpage nut</th>
      {% for web in web_records %}
          <td>{{ web.topic }}</td>
          <td>{{ web.name }}</td>
          <td>{{ web.url }}</td>
          <td>{{ web.nut }}</td>
          <td>{{ web.date }}</td>
     {% endfor %}
     {% endif %}

You can also make views.py like你也可以让 views.py 像


def index(request):
    return render(request,'first_app/index.html')

AND modify template like:-并修改模板,如:-

<h1>Hi, welcome to Django Level Two!</h1>
<h2>Here are your access records:</h2>
<div class="djangtwo">
  {% if web_records %}
  <table style="float: left">
          <th>Topic Name</th>
          <th>Site name</th>
          <th>Url Accessed</th>
          <th>Date Accessed</th>
          <th>Webpage nut</th>
      <td>{{ user.web.topic }}</td>  #HERE
      <td>{{ user.web.name }}</td>    #HERE
      <td>{{ user.web.url }}</td>    #HERE
      <td>{{ user.web.nut }}</td>    #HERE
      <td>{{ user.web.date }}</td>    #HERE
 {% endfor %}
 {% endif %}


You can also try this way:你也可以试试这种方式:

  1. rename the name field to web in AccessRecord model.AccessRecord模型中将name字段重命名为web


class AccessRecord(models.Model):
      web = models.ForeignKey(Webpage)
      date = models.DateField()
      nut = models.CharField(max_length=56)

      def __str__(self):
         return str(self.date)
  1. Get all objects of AccessRecord model instead of Webpage model.获取AccessRecord模型的所有对象,而不是Webpage模型。


from django.http import HttpResponse
from django.template import loader

def index(request):
    access_records = AccessRecord.objects.all()
    context = { "access_records": access_records }
    t = loader.get_template('first_app/index.html')
    return HttpResponse( t.render( context, request ) )
  1. Loop the access records in your template.循环访问模板中的访问记录。


    <h1>Hi, welcome to Django Level Two!</h1>
    <h2>Here are your access records:</h2>
    <div class="djangtwo">
      {% if access_records %}
      <table style="float: left">
              <th>Topic Name</th>
              <th>Site name</th>
              <th>Url Accessed</th>
              <th>Date Accessed</th>
              <th>Webpage nut</th>
      {% for access_record in access_records %}
          <td>{{ access_record.web.topic }}</td>
          <td>{{ access_record.web.name }}</td>
          <td>{{ access_record.web.url }}</td>
          <td>{{ access_record.nut }}</td>
          <td>{{ access_record.date }}</td>
     {% endfor %}
     {% endif %}

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