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AWS Lambda SQS 触发器承担角色

[英]AWS Lambda SQS Trigger Assume role

I have been given a task to consume messages from an SQS queue from an external company which returns me a bucket and key from which I am to copy a file.我接到了一项任务,要使用来自外部公司的 SQS 队列中的消息,这会向我返回一个存储桶和密钥,我将从中复制文件。 This external company has set up a role that I can assume that gives me access to the SQS queue and the S3 bucket, but I have a problem.这家外部公司设置了一个我可以承担的角色,让我可以访问 SQS 队列和 S3 存储桶,但我遇到了问题。 How do I assume that external role for my Lambda trigger?我如何为我的 Lambda 触发器承担外部角色? Is this even possible?这可能吗?

You'll assume the role in your Lambda and then interact with the external AWS account using temporary credentials.您将担任 Lambda 中的角色,然后使用临时凭证与外部 AWS 账户进行交互。

Example with python.以 python 为例。

import boto3

sts = boto3.client('sts')

role = sts.assume_role(

credentials = role['Credentials']

# Interact with resoures from the external company account
external_session = boto3.Session(

s3 = external_session.client('s3'),
sqs = external_session.client('sqs')

An external ID is optional but important when roles are given to third-parties to avoid the confused deputy problem .外部 ID 是可选的,但在将角色授予第三方时很重要,以避免代理人混淆问题 Ask the third-party to configure an external id for your role if that wasn't done.如果未完成,请第三方为您的角色配置外部 ID。

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