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C# - 更快地获取设置公共静态字段而不是使用 Reflection.SetValue / GetValue

[英]C# - Faster way to get set public static fields instead of using Reflection.SetValue / GetValue

I have a scenario where I need to change public static fields during runtime.我有一个场景,我需要在运行时更改公共静态字段。 I understand that I can do it through reflection as below to get set the public static field I want, but it is really slow.我知道我可以通过如下反射来设置我想要的公共静态字段,但它真的很慢。

string typeName = "ABC";
string fieldName = "IsA";

Type.GetType(typeName ).GetField(fieldName ).SetValue(null, value);

var value = Type.GetType(typeName ).GetField(fieldName ).GetValue(null);

I would like to know is there any faster way to access such as using Reflection.Emit, Linq.Expression or other methods.我想知道有没有更快的访问方式,例如使用 Reflection.Emit、Linq.Expression 或其他方法。 As what I know currently most of them only support fields with an instance.据我所知,目前他们中的大多数只支持带有实例的字段。

You can use expressions for this.您可以为此使用表达式。 You basically have three options:你基本上有三个选择:

  1. Reflection.反射。 Slow.减缓。
  2. Dynamic compiled expression.动态编译表达式。 Fast.快速地。
  3. Typed compiled expression.类型化编译表达式。 Super fast.超级快。

In your case it's a bit tricky to go for typed expressions.在您的情况下,使用类型表达式有点棘手。 I guess we cannot assume that all static properties will be of type string ?我想我们不能假设所有静态属性都是string类型? The second option allows you to easily create a fast setter for any field type.第二个选项允许您轻松地为任何字段类型创建快速设置器。

Note that when compiling expressions, you must maintain a cache for the compiled delegates.请注意,在编译表达式时,您必须为已编译的委托维护一个缓存 The compilation step is very expensive!编译步骤非常昂贵!

class Program
    public class Foo
        public static string Name;

    public static void Main()
        var delegateCache = new Dictionary<(string, string), Delegate>();
        var typeName = typeof(Foo).FullName;
        var fieldName = "Name";

        var key = (typeName, fieldName);

        // Caching is crucial!
        if (!delegateCache.TryGetValue(key, out var d))
            d = CreateStaticSetter(typeName, fieldName);
            delegateCache.Add(key, d);

        // For a strongly typed delegate, we would use Invoke() instead.
        d.DynamicInvoke("new value");


    private static Delegate CreateStaticSetter(string typeName, string fieldName)
        var type = Type.GetType(typeName) ?? throw new ArgumentException();
        var field = type.GetField(fieldName) ?? throw new ArgumentException();
        var valueExp = Expression.Parameter(field.FieldType, "value");
        var fieldExp = Expression.Field(null, field);
        var assignExp = Expression.Assign(fieldExp, valueExp);

        // TODO: Can be further optimized with a strongly typed delegate.
        var expr = Expression.Lambda(assignExp, valueExp);
        return expr.Compile();

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