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如何检查 Apache Ranger 的状态/健康状况?

[英]How to check status/health of Apache Ranger?

We recently deployed Apache Ranger version 2.0.0 on Kubernetes.我们最近在 Kubernetes 上部署了 Apache Ranger 2.0.0 版。 We wanted to configure Readiness and Liveness probes for Apache Ranger service which is running inside pods.我们想为在 pod 中运行的 Apache Ranger 服务配置就绪和活跃探测。

Is there any health endpoint for Apache Ranger which we can use?我们可以使用 Apache Ranger 的任何健康端点吗?

There is on api endpoint to check the service status as of now, however, you can use any api to check it is connecting, for example something lie below:-截至目前,api 端点上有用于检查服务状态,但是,您可以使用任何 api 来检查它是否正在连接,例如下面的内容:-

curl -s -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}" -u admin:admin -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET http://`hostname -f`:6080/service/tags/tags

if above call returns following value means ranger is live and serving trafic如果上述调用返回以下值,则表示 Ranger 处于活动状态并为流量提供服务

200 200

if it returns following which means ranger is down如果它返回以下,则意味着游侠已关闭

000 000

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