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[英]How do I copy values read in from a file into a array list

I am trying to solve a problem which takes a file as an input that has 5 countries data for example: profits items sold yadayada.... I'm trying to read in from the file and tally up the total profits for each country.我正在尝试解决一个问题,该问题将一个文件作为输入,其中包含 5 个国家/地区的数据,例如:销售 yadayada 的利润项目......我试图从文件中读取并计算每个国家/地区的总利润。 Currently I've read inputs from the file found the indexes of the country names and the profits for the countries ( each country and profit are in the same index all throughout the CSV file).目前,我已经从文件中读取了输入,找到了国家名称的索引和国家的利润(每个国家和利润在整个 CSV 文件中都在同一个索引中)。 I then started to look at each line and comparing whether the line is one of the 5 countries.然后我开始查看每条线路并比较该线路是否是 5 个国家/地区之一。 If The index of the line says the country name is say, " United States of America" the index that contains the profit should be added to the countries list.如果该行的索引表示国家名称为“美国”,则应将包含利润的索引添加到国家/地区列表中。 My problem right now is that the array lists that I am trying to create for each country stores the values for all the profits ( like I wanted it to) but then repeats constantly and the final array list is made up of different arrays (I don't know how to put that).我现在的问题是,我试图为每个国家/地区创建的数组列表存储了所有利润的值(就像我想要的那样)但随后不断重复,最终的数组列表由不同的数组组成(我不不知道怎么说)。

The lists looks like [1234 12341 1241231 1231 3123 124123 123 123 123 ], [3123 123 112358723 8398172 8123 ], [].....列表看起来像 [1234 12341 1241231 1231 3123 124123 123 123 123 ], [3123 123 112358723 8398172 8123 ], [].....

when i want them to look like [1234, 1234,1234,1234,1234,1234]当我希望它们看起来像 [1234, 1234,1234,1234,1234,1234]

I don't know why the array list is copying the values over and over and over into different indexes but that's basically the crux of my problem.我不知道为什么数组列表一遍又一遍地将值复制到不同的索引中,但这基本上是我问题的症结所在。

From there I am supposed to take those values and sum them up for each country and print them to an output file which i feel like i can handle.从那里我应该获取这些值并将它们总结为每个国家,然后将它们打印到我觉得我可以处理的输出文件中。

My CSV file looks something like this,我的 CSV 文件看起来像这样,

Segment,Country, Product , Discount Band ,Units Sold, Manufacturing Price , Sale Price , Gross Sales , Discounts ,  Sales , COGS , Profit ,Date,Month Number, Month Name ,Year
Government,Canada, Carretera , None ,1618.5,3,20,32370,0,32370,16185,16185,1/1/2014,1, January ,2014
Government,Germany, Carretera , None ,1321,3,20,26420,0,26420,13210,13210,1/1/2014,1, January ,2014
Midmarket,France, Carretera , None ,2178,3,15,32670,0,32670,21780,10890,1/6/2014,6, June ,2014
Midmarket,Germany, Carretera , None ,888,3,15,13320,0,13320,8880,4440,1/6/2014,6, June ,2014
Midmarket,Mexico, Carretera , None ,2470,3,15,37050,0,37050,24700,12350,1/6/2014,6, June ,2014
Government,Germany, Carretera , None ,1513,3,350,529550,0,529550,393380,136170,1/12/2014,12, December ,2014
Midmarket,Germany, Montana , None ,921,5,15,13815,0,13815,9210,4605,1/3/2014,3, March ,2014

And my code thus far looks like :到目前为止我的代码看起来像:

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    Scanner in = new Scanner(new File("sample-csv-file-for-testing-fixed.csv"));
    PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new File("Output.csv"));

    // gets first line of file
    String firstline = in.nextLine();
    String data = firstline.replaceAll(" ", "");
    String[] header = data.split(",");

    // find index of Country and Profit and store them into variables
    String country = "Country";
    String profit = "Profit";

    int index1 = 0, index2 = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < header.length; i++) {
        if (header[i].equals(country)) {
            index1 = i;
    for (int i = 0; i < header.length; i++) {
        if (header[i].equals(profit)) {
            index2 = i;
    //System.out.println(index1+" "+index2);

    // arrays for each country
    ArrayList<String> USA = new ArrayList<String>();
    ArrayList<String> France = new ArrayList<String>();
    ArrayList<String> Germany = new ArrayList<String>();
    ArrayList<String> Mexico = new ArrayList<String>();
    while (in.hasNextLine()) {
        String line = in.nextLine();
        String nextline = line.replaceAll(" ", "");
        String[] values = nextline.split(",");
        // find what country the line has

        if (values[index1].equals("United States of America")) {
        } else if (values[index1].equals("France")) {
        } else if (values[index1].equals("Germany")) {
        } else if (values[index1].equals("Mexico")) {

        // test prints
        // System.out.print(USA );
        //System.out.print("\n" + France + " ");
        //System.out.print("\n" + Germany + " ");
        //System.out.println("\n"+ Mexico + " ");    

Could have probably done this a bit better than the way I did, but I ultimately figured it out可能比我做的更好一点,但我最终想通了

   public static void main(String[]args)throws IOException{

    Scanner in = new Scanner(new File("sample-csv-file-for-testing-fixed.csv"));
    PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new File("Output.csv"));

    // gets first line of file
    String firstline = in.nextLine();
    String data = firstline.replaceAll(" ","");
    String[] header = data.split(",") ;

    // find index of Country and Profit and store them into variables
    String country = "Country";
    String profit = "Profit";

    int index1 =0 , index2=0;
    for(int i = 0;i < header.length;i++){
          index1 = i;
    for(int i = 0;i<header.length;i++){
         index2 = i;
    // Create arraylists for each country
    ArrayList<String> USA = new ArrayList<String>();  
    ArrayList<String> France = new ArrayList<String>();
    ArrayList<String> Germany = new ArrayList<String>();
    ArrayList<String> Mexico = new ArrayList<String>();
    ArrayList<String> Canada = new ArrayList<String>();

    while( in.hasNextLine()){
         String line = in.nextLine();
         String nextline = line.replaceAll(" ","");
         String[] values = nextline.split(",");
         //Finding lines with each country
         else if(values[index1].equals("France")){
         else if(values[index1].equals("Germany")){
        else if(values[index1].equals("Mexico")){
        else if(values[index1].equals("Canada")){

    // call method and store values into double array lists;
    ArrayList<Double> france_results = getIntegerArray(France);
    ArrayList<Double> germany_results = getIntegerArray(Germany);
    ArrayList<Double> USA_results = getIntegerArray(USA);
    ArrayList<Double> mexico_results = getIntegerArray(Mexico);
    ArrayList<Double> canada_results = getIntegerArray(Canada);

    // call method to sum values in ArrayLists

    double sumUSA = getSum(USA_results);
    double sumFrance = getSum(france_results);
    double sumGermany = getSum(germany_results);
    double sumMexico = getSum(mexico_results);
    double sumCanada = getSum(canada_results);

    // Print to Output.CSV file
    pw.print("France , " + sumFrance + "\n" 
    + "Germany ," + sumGermany + "\n"
    + "Canada ," + sumCanada + "\n"
    + "United States of America ," + sumUSA + "\n"
    + "Mexico , "+ sumMexico);


// Method to conver String ArrayList to Integer ArrayLists
public static ArrayList<Double> getIntegerArray(ArrayList<String> stringArray){

    ArrayList<Double> values = new ArrayList<Double>();
    for(String stringValue : stringArray){
    return values;

// method to sum the index of each ArrayList
public static double getSum(ArrayList<Double> doubleArray){
    double sum = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i< doubleArray.size();i++){
        sum = sum + doubleArray.get(i);
    return sum;

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