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如何在 ComponentDidMount 中模拟一个简单的 API 调用(Get Todos) - React + Typescript + Jest + Enzyme

[英]How to Mock A Simple API call (Get Todos ) in ComponentDidMount - React + Typescript + Jest + Enzyme

The app该应用程序

The app is a simple To Do List.该应用程序是一个简单的待办事项列表。 This App gets the todos from https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos?&_limit=5 .此应用程序从https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos?&_limit=5获取待办事项。

What I am trying to do我想做什么

Test an API call that is executed in ComponentDidMount in App.tsx .测试在 App.tsx 的 ComponentDidMount 中执行的API调用。

I want to mock the API call and return a list with two items.我想模拟 API 调用并返回包含两个项目的列表。 Then check if there are two items in the array or state.然后检查数组中是否有两项或state。

What files are important for you?哪些文件对您很重要?

  1. App.tsx (Component to be tested) App.tsx(待测组件)
  2. ToDoList.test.tsx (Contains test function) ToDoList.test.tsx(包含测试功能)

Small part of App.tsx to simplify it App.tsx 的一小部分以简化它

class App extends Component {

public state: IState = {
    items: [],
    value : 5,
    deleteItemParent : this.deleteItemParent

  getAllTodos = async () => {
    await fetch(
      .then((response) => response.json())
      .then((json) => {
        this.setState({ items: json })
  componentDidMount() {

componentDidUpdate(prevProps : any, prevState: any) {
  // Updates todo's if state changed
  if (prevState.value !== this.state.value) {

    return (
      <div className="App">
            <AddToDo addToDoParent={this.addToDo}/>
                Todo's : {this.state.value}
            <ToDoList items={this.state.items} deleteFromParent={this.deleteItemParent}/>

ToDoListMock.test.tsx ToDoListMock.test.tsx

import React from 'react';
import { shallow , mount, ShallowWrapper} from 'enzyme';
import App from "../App";
global.fetch = jest.fn(() =>
    json: () => Promise.resolve(
          title: "Todo1",
          completed: false
          title: "Todo2",
          completed: false
) as jest.Mock<any>

it("must contain 2 items in state after mock api call", async () => {
  const wrapper = shallow(<App />);

  await new Promise(res => setTimeout(res));
  // await jest.requireActual('promise').resolve()

  // Collect items from state
  const itemsFromState : any = wrapper.state('items');

  // Expect it to have a length of 2

The Error错误

Expected: 2 Received: 0预期:2 收到:0



/* eslint-disable import/no-extraneous-dependencies */
import Enzyme from 'enzyme';
import ReactSixteenAdapter from 'enzyme-adapter-react-16';
Enzyme.configure({ adapter: new ReactSixteenAdapter() });

I noticed an error while doing the test.我在做测试时注意到一个错误。 获取错误等待

There are a few things you have to change to make it work:您必须更改一些内容才能使其正常工作:

  • You forgot to trigger to fetch your notes as your component mounted by putting to componentDidMount :您忘记在组件挂载时触发获取您的笔记,方法是将其放入componentDidMount
componentDidMount() {
  • Like you said, the data response is the list which is not a literal object, so you have to change your mock returning an array instead of literal object with todos property.就像你说的,数据响应是不是文字 object 的列表,所以你必须更改你的模拟返回一个数组而不是带有todos属性的文字 object。 But to make sure it runs well, we have to move beforeEach :但是为了确保它运行良好,我们必须移动beforeEach

beforeEach(() => {
 global.fetch = jest.fn(() =>
        json: () => Promise.resolve([ // Returns as an array here
                title: "Todo1",
                completed : false
                title: "Todo2",
                completed : false
  ) as jest.Mock<any> 

  • Delay your test before getting the state since you have a mock promise need to be done:在获得 state 之前延迟测试,因为您需要完成模拟 promise:
it("must contain 2 items in state after mock api call", async () => {
  const wrapper = shallow(<App />);
  // Delay with either following ways to wait your promise resolved
  await new Promise(res => setTimeout(res));
  // await jest.requireActual('promise').resolve()

  // Collect items from state
  const itemsFromState: Array<any> = wrapper.state('items');

  // Expect it to have a length of 2


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