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更新 postSQL 和 mongodb 之间的查询性能

[英]update query performance between postSQL and mongodb

I am using Mongodb and I have a document which keep increasing and based on the Mongodb schema design guidelines it's something to worry about.我正在使用 Mongodb,并且我有一个文档在不断增加,并且基于 Mongodb 架构设计指南,这是值得担心的事情。 I see myself exhausting 255mbs in future in single column.我认为自己将来会在单列中耗尽 255mbs。 I am trying to understand if Postgres JSONB will help me but from stackoverflow thread I understand, that I have high read and write requirement so postgres might be a challenge.我试图了解 Postgres JSONB 是否会帮助我,但从我了解的stackoverflow 线程来看,我有很高的读写要求,因此 postgres 可能是一个挑战。 I am reading and writing geodata at higher rate.我正在以更高的速度读写地理数据。

My requirement is to choose a database which is highly scalable, distributed and support for geo-distributed query.我的要求是选择一个高度可扩展、分布式并支持地理分布式查询的数据库。

If someone can add thoughts on cockroachDB would be great,如果有人可以添加关于 cockroachDB 的想法会很棒,

Comparing CockroachDB to MongoDB isn't really an apples to apples comparison.将 CockroachDB 与 MongoDB 进行比较并不是真正的同类比较。

To start, CockroachDB can scale out horizontally and maintain serializability no matter how many nodes are in the cluster.首先,无论集群中有多少节点,CockroachDB 都可以水平扩展并保持可串行化。

This may affect query performance and is why you might see MongoDB return a successful insert before the system has a chance to catch up.这可能会影响查询性能,这就是为什么您可能会看到 MongoDB 在系统有机会赶上之前返回成功的插入。

With that said, a 255mb column is not a problem in CockroachDB.话虽如此,255mb 的列在 CockroachDB 中不是问题。 I think where you might see problems in CockroachDB is if your JSONB row is bigger than 1MB in size.我认为您可能会在 CockroachDB 中看到问题的地方是您的 JSONB 行的大小是否大于 1MB。

If that's not an issue then CockroachDB is absolutely an option for a highly scalable, distributed and support for geo-distributed query.如果这不是问题,那么 CockroachDB 绝对是一个高度可扩展、分布式和支持地理分布式查询的选项。

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