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如何以较小的增量 (Python) 更改 Tkinter 小部件的宽度?

[英]How do I change the width of Tkinter widgets in smaller increments (Python)?

The left side of the box is aligned with the left side of some_label . box的左侧与some_label的左侧对齐。 I am unable to set the width so that the right side of some_label also aligns with the right side of the box because the increments between different width values are too large.我无法设置宽度以使some_label的右侧也与box的右侧对齐,因为不同宽度值之间的增量太大。 A width of 35 puts the right end of some_label too far left and a width of 36 puts it too far right. 35 的widthsome_label的右端some_label太靠左的地方,而 36 的width some_label它放在太靠右的地方。

from tkinter import *
root = Tk()


box = Frame(root, width=383, height=246, bg='black')

box.place(x=241, y=65, anchor=CENTER)

some_label = Label(root, text='Some Label', borderwidth=1, relief='solid')

some_label.place(x=50, y=210)

some_label.config(width=35, font=('TkDefaultFont', 15))  # whether width is 35 or 36, the label never aligns with the box


Since you use place() , you can specify the width directly:由于您使用place() ,您可以直接指定宽度:

import tkinter as tk

root = tk.Tk()

box = tk.Frame(root, width=383, height=246, bg='black')
box.place(x=241, y=65, anchor='c')

some_label = tk.Label(root, text='Some Label', borderwidth=1, relief='solid')
some_label.place(x=241, y=210, width=383, anchor='c') # set width to same as 'box'
some_label.config(font=('TkDefaultFont', 15))


To set the width of a Label in pixels you have to include an image.要以像素为单位设置标签的宽度,您必须包含一个图像。 Easiest would to use a transparent pixel and present it in the label with compound='center' which does not offset the text.最简单的方法是使用透明像素并将其显示在带有compound='center'的标签中,这不会偏移文本。

Alternatively you could simply use a containing frame to control the widget sizes.或者,您可以简单地使用包含框架来控制小部件大小。

I have included both ways in my example.我在我的例子中包含了两种方式。

from tkinter import *

root = Tk()

box = Frame(root, width=383, height=246, bg='black')
box.place(x=241, y=65, anchor=CENTER)

some_label = Label(root, text='Some Label', borderwidth=1, relief='solid')
some_label.place(x=50, y=210)
img = PhotoImage(file='images/pixel.gif')       # Create image
some_label.config(image=img, compound='center') # Set image in label
some_label.config(width=379, font=('TkDefaultFont', 15))    # Size in pixels

# Alternateivly control size by an containing widget:
container = Frame(root, bg='tan')   # Let frame adjust to contained widgets
container.place(x=241, y=360, anchor=CENTER)
# Let the contained widget set width
other_box = Frame(container, height=100, width=383, bg='black') # Set width
other_label = Label(container, text='Some Label', borderwidth=1, relief='solid')
other_label.pack(expand=True, fill=X, pady=(20,0))  # Expand to fill container
other_label.config(font=('TkDefaultFont', 15))


If you are going to make complex GUI designs, grid() is almost always easier to use.如果您要进行复杂的 GUI 设计, grid()几乎总是更容易使用。

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