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使用 EF CORE 检索可为 null 的 object

[英]Retrieve nullable object using EF CORE

I am a beginner, and while testing some code, I can't seem to understand how to do this properly..我是初学者,在测试一些代码时,我似乎无法理解如何正确执行此操作。

1st: I have a City class:第一:我有一个城市 class:

public class City
    public City()
        ZipCode = "";
        Name = "";

    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string ZipCode { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }

2nd: I have a Contact class that uses a nullable City class ( in case the user does not know the city ):第二:我有一个联系人 class,它使用可为空的城市 class(以防用户不知道城市):

public class Contact
    public Contact()
        Name = "";
        Line1 = "";
        Line2 = "";
        CityId = null;
        City = new City();

    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Line1 { get; set; }
    public string Line2 { get; set; }

    private int? _CityId;
    public int? CityId
        get { return _CityId; }
        set { _CityId = value < 1 ? null : value; }

    private City _City;
    public City City
        get { return _City; }
        set { _City = _CityId == null ? null : value; }

The problem I encounter is when I retrieve a record that has stored a null City ( when retrieving a record and its City is not null, everything will work fine ).我遇到的问题当我检索存储了 null City的记录时(当检索记录且其 City 不是 null 时,一切正常)。 My.Select() statement looks like this: My.Select() 语句如下所示:

var result = await _context.Contact
            .Where(w => w.Id == id)
            .Include(q => q.City)
            .Select(s => new Contact
                // Entity
                Id = s.Id,
                // Model
                Line1 = s.Line1,
                Line2 = s.Line2,
                CityId = s.CityId,
                City = new City // I am retrieving this so that I can get the inner data as well
                    // Entity
                    Id = s.City.Id,
                    // Model
                    ZipCode = s.City.ZipCode,
                    Name = s.City.Name,

The output is fine for records that does not have a null City, but if user retrieves a record with null City, it throws the following error : output 适用于没有 null 城市的记录,但如果用户检索带有 null 城市的记录,则会抛出以下错误

Nullable object must have a value.可为空的 object 必须有一个值。

Can anybody please teach me how to do this properly?谁能教我如何正确地做到这一点? Thank you in advance!先感谢您!

You don't need to create a new Entity using Select, you are getting the error because if s.City is null s.City.Id doesn't exists.您不需要使用 Select 创建新实体,您会收到错误消息,因为如果 s.City 为 null,则 s.City.Id 不存在。 Insteat search it directly using Insteat直接使用搜索

var result = await _context.Contact
            .Include(q => q.City)
            .FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Id == id);

Why you use Select and using private property for the city ?为什么你用Select ,用私有财产给城市

Contact Class:联系电话 Class:

public class Contact
    public Contact()
        Name = "";
        Line1 = "";
        Line2 = "";
        CityId = null;
        City = new City();

    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Line1 { get; set; }
    public string Line2 { get; set; }

    public int? CityId;
    public City City

Your Select is the same as the entity class, and you don't need to use it.你的Select和实体class是一样的,你不用用。

var result = await _context.Contact
            .Include(q => q.City)
            .FirstOrDefaultAsync(f => f.Id == id);

Thanks for the answers everyone!谢谢大家的解答!

I found that the culprit is this line of code ( thanks to your answers and explanations ):我发现罪魁祸首是这行代码(感谢您的回答和解释):

Id = s.City.Id Id = s.City.Id

That is because Id here is an int ( not nullable since this is an Identity in MSSQL ) but when CityId ( and also City object ) stores a null in the database, s.City.Id will also contain null in the.Select().这是因为这里的Id是一个int不可为 null,因为这是 MSSQL 中的一个身份)但是当CityId以及 City object )在数据库中存储null时, s.City.Id也将在 .Select() 中包含null .

The Id = s.City.Id in the above case fails because Id ( not nullable ) is being forced to receive a null ( contained in the s.City.Id ).上述情况下的Id = s.City.Id失败,因为Id不可为空)被迫接收null包含在 s.City.Id 中)。

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