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将 class 中的项目从一页添加到 Flutter 中的另一页

[英]Adding items from class from one page to another in Flutter

I have this separate screen with 'FoodIcon' class and a list inside of it that is calling it:我有一个单独的屏幕,上面有“FoodIcon”class,里面有一个调用它的列表:

food_icon.dart food_icon.dart

class FoodIcon {
  String name;
  IconButton foodIcon;

  FoodIcon(this.name, this.foodIcon);

  List foods = [
        IconButton(icon: Image.asset('assets/beef.png'), onPressed: null)),

Now how would I access the List 'foods' from the FoodIcon class from food_icon.dart on another screen (main.dart)?现在,我将如何从另一个屏幕(main.dart)上的 food_icon.dart 的 FoodIcon class 访问列表“食物”? For example if I have a Container with the AlertDialog on another screen:例如,如果我在另一个屏幕上有一个带有 AlertDialog 的容器:


Widget _buildIcon() {
return AlertDialog(
  title: Text('Add Icon'),
  content: Container(//For example how do I access elements of the list from another page here, for example I would want a 3x3 row of icons from the FoodIcon icons list (name and then the icon itself besides it)),

I imported the page where the FoodIcon class is on the page I want it accessed on, but how would I go around getting to the List and the elements inside of it?我导入了 FoodIcon class 在我希望访问的页面上的页面,但是我 go 如何访问列表及其中的元素?

Added full code of the page I would need it on:添加了我需要它的页面的完整代码:

 class FoodList extends StatefulWidget {

  _FoodListState createState() => _FoodListState();
class _FoodListState extends State<FoodList> {
  void initState() {
      (foodList) {

  Widget _buildIcon() {
    return AlertDialog(
      title: Text('Add Icon'),
      content: Container(),
      actions: [
          child: Text('Cancel'),
          onPressed: () => Navigator.pop(context),
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return Container(
  child: //some button that would show _buildIcon() alert window on tap}

Nevermind, after some experimentation, I got it to work like this:没关系,经过一些实验,我让它像这样工作:

food_icon.dart food_icon.dart

class FoodIcon {
  String name;
  IconButton foodIcon;

  FoodIcon(this.name, this.foodIcon);

  static List<FoodIcon> foods() {
    return <FoodIcon>[
          IconButton(icon: Image.asset('assets/beef.png'), onPressed: null))


initialized it like this:像这样初始化它:

List<FoodIcon> _foodIcons = FoodIcon.foods();

} }

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