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使用 static 方法初始化的私有字段的单元测试方法

[英]Unit testing method which is using a private field initialized with static method

In my class TwitchService I'm creating a private field twitchClient using TwitchClientBuilder .在我的 class TwitchService ,我使用TwitchClientBuilder twitchClient How can I approach testing method sendChatMessage() which is using twitchClient ?我怎样才能接近使用twitchClient的测试方法sendChatMessage()

public class TwitchService {

    public TwitchService(){
        twitchClient = TwitchClientBuilder.builder().build();

    public void sendChatMessage(String content) throws Exception {
            throw new Exception("Cannot send empty message!");


So far, I have tried mocking TwitchClientBuilder.builder() and twitchCliendBuilder.build() like this:到目前为止,我已经像这样尝试了 mocking TwitchClientBuilder.builder()twitchCliendBuilder.build()

public class TwitchServiceTest {

    private TwitchService twitchService;

    private TwitchClientBuilder twitchClientBuilder;

    public void sendChatMessage() throws Exception {

        try (MockedStatic<TwitchClientBuilder> twitchClientBuilderMockedStatic = Mockito.mockStatic(TwitchClientBuilder.class)){
            twitchClientBuilderMockedStatic.when(() -> TwitchClientBuilder.builder()).thenReturn(mock(TwitchClientBuilder.class));

            twitchService = new TwitchService("x", "y");
            twitchService.sendChatMessage("test message");


But I get NullPointerException on twitchClient in sendChatMessage() Any ideas how to properly mock fields like this?但是我在sendChatMessage()twitchClient上得到NullPointerException任何想法如何正确模拟这样的字段?

Use constructor dependency injection for TwitchClient , instead of hard-coding it by calling builder.TwitchClient使用构造函数依赖注入,而不是通过调用 builder 对其进行硬编码。

Simply re-write your service, like so:只需重新编写您的服务,就像这样:

public class TwitchService {

    private final TwitchClient twitchClient

    public TwitchService(final TwitchClient twitchClient) {
        this.twitchClient = twitchClient;


TwitchService is now loosely-coupled with the implementation of TwitchClient , which gives you ability to mock the client in the unit tests and use real-implementation (unit tested by itself) in real-code. TwitchService现在与TwitchClient的实现松散耦合,这使您能够在单元测试中模拟客户端并在实际代码中使用实际实现(单元测试本身)。

So in unit-test, we can mock TwitchClient :所以在单元测试中,我们可以模拟TwitchClient

public class TwitchServiceTest {

    private TwitchClient mockedTwitchClient;

    // Tested instance
    private TwitchService twitchService;

    public void before() {
        twitchService = new TwitchService(mockedTwitchClient);

    public void ourTest() {

and in the real code, we "inject" real TwitchClient built by TwitchClientBuilder :在真实代码中,我们“注入”了由TwitchClient构建的真实TwitchClientBuilder

twitchService = new TwitchService(TwitchClientBuilder.builder().build());

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