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如何从 powershell 中的字符串中获取十进制数?

[英]How to get decimal number out of string in powershell?

  1. I have a string containing a decimal value (eg 'good1432.28morning to you' )我有一个包含十进制值的字符串(例如'good1432.28morning to you'
  2. I need to extract 1432.28 out of string and convert it to decimal我需要从字符串中提取1432.28并将其转换为十进制

This can be done in many ways, could not find exact similar question / solution in stackoverflow, so here is a quick solution that worked for me .这可以通过多种方式完成,在 stackoverflow 中找不到完全相似的问题/解决方案,所以这里有一个对我有用的快速解决方案。

Function get-Decimal-From-String 
    # Function receives string containing decimal

    # Will keep only decimal - can be extended / modified for special needs
$myString = $myString -replace "[^\d*\.?\d*$/]" , ''

    # Convert to Decimal 


Calling the Function拨打电话 Function

$x = get-Decimal-From-String 'good1432.28morning to you'



Other solution:其他解决方案:

-join ('good143.28morning to you' -split '' | where {$_ -ge '0' -and $_ -le '9' -or $_ -eq '.'})

Another alternative:另一种选择:

function Get-Decimal-From-String {
    # Function receives string containing decimal

    if ($myString -match '(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)') { [decimal]$matches[1] } else { [decimal]::Zero }

Regex details正则表达式详细信息

(               Match the regular expression below and capture its match into backreference number 1
   \d           Match a single digit 0..9
      +         Between one and unlimited times, as many times as possible, giving back as needed (greedy)
   (?:          Match the regular expression below
      \.        Match the character “.” literally
      \d        Match a single digit 0..9
         +      Between one and unlimited times, as many times as possible, giving back as needed (greedy)
   )?           Between zero and one times, as many times as possible, giving back as needed (greedy)
("good1432.28morning to you" -split "\.")[1]


(1557.18 -split "\.")[1]


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