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如果提交日期早于当前日期,拉取请求是否会自动合并到 GitHub/odoo.sh 中?

[英]Are Pull Requests automatically merged in GitHub/odoo.sh if commit date is ahead of current date?

I am using git for version management in an Odoo development project.我在Odoo开发项目中使用git进行版本管理。 The repository of this project is also synced with odoo.sh where we hosted our project and we do testing and even manage pull requests and branches through it.该项目的存储库也与我们托管项目的odoo.sh同步,我们进行测试,甚至通过它管理拉取请求和分支。 Some days ago, I accidentally added few commits and my computer date was 3 days a head of current date.几天前,我不小心添加了一些提交,我的计算机日期比当前日期早了 3 天。 Then I created a pull request from my branch to the master branch.然后我创建了一个从我的分支到主分支的拉取请求。 Then, I think my pull request was merged automatically.然后,我认为我的拉取请求是自动合并的。 So, that's why I want to know if pull requests are merging automatically when our commits date are a head of real world (current) date or not?所以,这就是为什么我想知道当我们的提交日期是真实世界(当前)日期的头时,拉取请求是否会自动合并? Do we have any feature for automatic merging of pull requests in GitHub or even in odoo.sh ?我们是否有任何功能可以自动合并GitHub甚至odoo.sh 中的拉取请求?

I dont know how to configure github but i dont believe it is using date for auto merge.我不知道如何配置 github,但我不相信它使用日期进行自动合并。 All merging is done in github and with github settings.所有合并都在 github 中完成,并使用 github 设置。

But in the odoo.sh is in the Branch SETTINGS under the Behavior upon new commits.但是在 odoo.sh 中,在新提交时的行为下的分支设置中。 There date does not mater, it rebuilds if there are new commits on the branch.日期无关紧要,如果分支上有新的提交,它会重建。 Who can merge and commit and other such settings are managed in the github.谁可以合并和提交以及其他此类设置在github中管理。

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