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如何使用Spring Data从不同的表中获取额外的列?

[英]How to get additional column from different table with Spring Data?

So lets imagine following situation.所以让我们想象以下情况。 I have an entity such as this:我有一个这样的实体:

public class Price {

    private int id;

    private int amount;

    private String currency;


And I have two tables:我有两个表:

CREATE TABLE currency (
id integer not null primary key,
name varchar
    id integer not null primary key,
    amount integer,
    currency_id integer references currency(id)

I want to tell Spring that when I access Price.getCurrency() I want to have whatever is stored in column "name" of the "currency" table.我想告诉 Spring,当我访问 Price.getCurrency() 时,我想要存储在“currency”表的“name”列中的任何内容。 In other words, I want to connect two tables in one entity.换句话说,我想在一个实体中连接两个表。

I can make currency a separate class, annotate the property with @OneTo... and get it like price.getCurrency().getName().我可以使货币成为一个单独的类,用@OneTo... 注释属性,并像 price.getCurrency().getName() 一样得到它。 But I don't want a separate class, I just need this specific column.但我不想要一个单独的类,我只需要这个特定的列。

I tried adding it via @SecondaryTable annotation like this:我尝试通过 @SecondaryTable 注释添加它,如下所示:

@SecondaryTable(name = "currency",
            pkJoinColumns = @PrimaryKeyJoinColumn(name = "id", referencedColumnName = "currency_id"))

But in this case Spring connect two tables by it's ids like this:但在这种情况下,Spring 通过它的 id 连接两个表,如下所示:

SELECT * FROM price LEFT JOIN price ON price.id = currency.id

And of course it is not working.当然,它不起作用。 So how do I do this?那么我该怎么做呢? Is @SecondaryTable a correct way and if so how do I connect it through non-primary key column? @SecondaryTable 是正确的方法吗?如果是,我该如何通过非主键列连接它?

Yes, you can use @SecondaryTable :是的,您可以使用@SecondaryTable

@Table(name = "price")
    name = "currency",
    pkJoinColumns = {
        @PrimaryKeyJoinColumn(name = "id", referencedColumnName = "currency_id")
public class Price {

    private int id;

    private int amount;

    @Column(table = "currency", name = "name")
    private String currency;


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