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[英]how to count and sum of the values of a column in a tibble in R?

For example, I have this tibble:例如,我有这个小标题:

       nationality    Other
[1,]          White     1 ------> I want to add
[2,]          Mexican   0
[3,]          American  0
[4,]          Asian     1 -------> I want to add
[5,]          af        1 -------> I want to add
[6,]          American  0

I want to somehow sum up the values in Other and create it's own tibble:我想以某种方式总结 Other 中的值并创建它自己的 tibble:

[1,]     3

I tried using sum(), but it gives me我尝试使用 sum(),但它给了我

  Error in FUN(X[[i]], ...) : 
  only defined on a data frame with all numeric variables

In addition to that, tally() gives me this, it counts the number of rows in the column:除此之外,tally() 给了我这个,它计算列中的行数:

1     88

Here is the code:这是代码:

natgroups3 <- ibtclean %>% select(nationality) %>%mutate(Other = ifelse(str_detect(nationality, "af|White|Asian|white|Middle-Eastern"), yes = 1, no = 0)) %>% drop_na() 

Try to use the tidyverse library.尝试使用tidyverse库。 I prepared a sample code that recreates a tibble d with your structure and calculates the target tibble c with the count of rows with the column other equals to 1.我准备了一个示例代码,它使用您的结构重新创建 tibble d并计算目标 tibble c ,其中列other等于 1 的行数。

d <- tribble(~nationality, ~other, 'White', 0, 'Mexican', 1, 'Amrican', 0, 'Asian', 1, 'af', 1)
c <- d %>% count(other) %>% filter(other == 1) %>% select('Other' = n)

You can also select the column other and calculate its sum with the following code (according to your business need)您也可以选择other列并使用以下代码计算其总和(根据您的业务需要)

d <- tribble(~nationality, ~other, 'White', 0, 'Mexican', 1, 'Amrican', 0, 'Asian', 1, 'af', 1)
c <- d %>% select(other) %>% summarise('Other'=sum(other))

Both of the code snippets produce the following result两个代码片段都产生以下结果

# A tibble: 5 x 2
  nationality other
  <chr>       <dbl>
1 White           0
2 Mexican         1
3 Amrican         0
4 Asian           1
5 af              1
# A tibble: 1 x 1
1     3

I hope these snippets solve your issue我希望这些片段可以解决您的问题

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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