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Rx.Net + Reactive-Ui + MahApps.Metro - 使用门控对话框重复和重试异步请求

[英]Rx.Net + Reactive-Ui + MahApps.Metro - Repeating & retrying asynchronous request with gated dialogs

Given an observable of form:给定一个 observable 形式:

var fetchTimer = Observable.Timer(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));
var stateFetcher =
    Observable.FromAsync(async () => await _robotsClient.GetRobotsStateAsync(new GetRobotsStateRequest()));

var delayedFetch = fetchTimer.SelectMany(stateFetcher);

This provides the means for fetching the state after a delay.这提供了在延迟后获取状态的方法。

A modification can do this at regular intervals:修改可以定期执行此操作:

var regularFetch = Observable.Interval(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)).Select(_ => stateFetcher).Switch();

This requests a value every 5 seconds.这每 5 秒请求一个值。

The request can fail however (remote service unreachable etc);但是,请求可能会失败(远程服务无法访问等); with that in mind, trying to produce a mechanism to retry the operation, as well as hooks for alerting the user can be tricky.考虑到这一点,尝试生成重试操作的机制以及用于提醒用户的钩子可能会很棘手。

Suspending a timer-based operation on failure - this question by me covers the initial approach to this, as well as some of the attempts / a partial solution. 暂停基于计时器的操作失败- 我的这个问题涵盖了对此的初始方法,以及一些尝试/部分解决方案。

Here I want to share the solution I arrived at.在这里我想分享一下我得出的解决方案。

We can summarise the problem as follows:我们可以将问题总结如下:

  1. We have a source observable that can produce a value or error我们有一个可以产生值错误的源 observable
  2. We need to do something if an error occurs如果发生错误,我们需要做一些事情
  3. From the first error we want to make multiple attempts with notification从第一个错误开始,我们希望通过通知进行多次尝试
  4. If those attempts all fail, we want to do something如果这些尝试都失败了,我们想做点什么
  5. At the end of the process we want to restart it all.在过程结束时,我们想重新启动它。


Error -> Initial dialog -> Retry with notifications on each attempt -> Do it all again Error -> Initial dialog -> Retry with notifications on each attempt -> Do it all again

At any point throughout this process a successful value emission should bypass everything and flow back out.在整个过程中的任何时候,成功的价值排放都应该绕过一切并回流。

With that highly opinionated approach in mind, here is the utility I created:考虑到这种高度自以为是的方法,这是我创建的实用程序:

public static IObservable<T> WithGatedRetry<T>(
    this IObservable<T> source,
    int retriesPerCycle,
    Func<Exception, Task> onInitialFailure,
    Func<Action<Func<Task>>, Task<Func<Exception, int, Task>>> retryNotificationBlock,
    Func<Exception, Task> onFailedCycle)
    IObservable<T> GetInitialHandler(Exception e) =>
        Observable.FromAsync(() => onInitialFailure(e))
        .Select(_ => (T)default);

    IObservable<T> GetCycleFailureHandler(Exception e) =>
        Observable.FromAsync(() => onFailedCycle(e))
        .Select(_ => (T)default);

    IObservable<T> GetRetryFlow() =>
        Observable.Create<T>(async sub =>
            var attempt = 1;
            Func<Task> disposeCallback = () => Task.CompletedTask;
            var notifier = await retryNotificationBlock(dc =>
                disposeCallback = dc;

            await notifier(null, 1);

                     _ =>
                    async (Exception e) =>
                        if (attempt + 1 <= retriesPerCycle)
                            await notifier(e, ++attempt);
                .Finally(async () =>
                    if (disposeCallback != null)
                        await disposeCallback();
                    val => { sub.OnNext(val); sub.OnCompleted(); },
                    (Exception e) => { sub.OnError(e); }

    IObservable<T> GetCycleFlow() =>
        .Catch((Exception e) =>
            .Select(_ => GetCycleFlow())

    IObservable<T> GetPrimaryFlow() =>
        .Catch((Exception e) => GetInitialHandler(e))
        .Select(val =>
            EqualityComparer<T>.Default.Equals(val, default)
            ? GetCycleFlow().Select(_ => GetPrimaryFlow()).Switch()
            : GetPrimaryFlow().StartWith(val)

    return GetPrimaryFlow();

I'll fully admit this may not be the best way to do it, and there's a bit of a callback-inside-a-callback kludge in the notification block (for each retry attempt), in order to support cleaning up once an retry "cycle" has been completed (successfully or otherwise).我完全承认这可能不是最好的方法,并且通知块中有一些回调内部回调kludge(对于每次重试尝试),以支持重试一次的清理“循环”已完成(成功或失败)。

Usage is as follows:用法如下:

var latestState =
    Observable.SelectMany(fetchTimer, stateFetcher)
        async ex =>
            // show initial error dialog
        async (disposerHook) =>
            // Show the "attempting retries" dialog

            disposerHook(async () =>
                // Close the "attempting retries" dialog
                // and do any cleanup

            return async (Exception ex, int attempt) =>
                // Update the dialog
                // ex is the exception produced by the just-completed attempt
        async ex =>
           // Show the "We still can't quite get it" dialog
           // after this task completes, the entire process starts again

This approach allows for the tailored hook-points, and flows successful values as expected.这种方法允许定制的挂钩点,并按预期流动成功的价值。

In fact, downstream subscribers should only ever see a value when one is successfully provided - they also shouldn't see an error as it sits in an infinite retry.事实上,下游订阅者应该只在成功提供时看到一个值——他们也不应该看到错误,因为它处于无限重试中。

In comparison with the solution in the original question, this uses Select + Switch as opposed to SelectMany in order to ensure inner observables are correctly unsubscribed and disposed.与原始问题中的解决方案相比,这使用Select + Switch而不是SelectMany ,以确保正确取消订阅和处理内部可观察对象。

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