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向 Firestore 提交表单时发送电子邮件

[英]Send E-mail on submitting form to Firestore

I am making a website to take bookings using a html form and submit the form to firestore, also as soon as the data is submitted an confirmation mail is send to the customer.我正在制作一个网站来使用 html 表单进行预订并将表单提交给 firestore,并且一旦提交数据,就会向客户发送确认邮件。 I am using the code given below to achieve it.我正在使用下面给出的代码来实现它。

var firestore = firebase.firestore();

var messagesRef = firestore.collection("bookingData");

//listen for submit
document.getElementById("bookingForm").addEventListener("submit", submitForm);

function submitForm(e) {

  //get values
  var email = getInputVal("email");
  var packageFields = getInputVal("packageFields");
  var name = getInputVal("name");
  var phone = getInputVal("phone");
  var date = getInputVal("date");
  var [persons] = getInputVal("persons");

  saveMessage(email, packageFields, name, phone, date, persons);
  sendEmail(email, packageFields, name, date, persons);
  //show alert

// function to get form values

function getInputVal(id) {
  return document.getElementById(id).value;

//save messages

function saveMessage(email, packageFields, name, phone, date, persons) {
      email: email,
      packageFields: packageFields,
      name: name,
      phone: phone,
      date: date,
      persons: persons,
    .then(function (docRef) {
      console.log("Document written with ID: ", docRef.id);
    .catch(function (error) {
      console.error("Error adding document: ", error);

function sendEmail(packageFields, name, date, persons) {
    Host: "smtp.gmail.com",
    Username: "trippyadive.web.app@gmail.com",
    Password: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
    To: "subhodiproy161101@gmail.com",
    From: "trippyadive.web.app@gmail.com",
    Subject: "Sending Email using javascript",
    Body: `Your package of ${packageFields} for ${name} with total ${persons} persons (incl. ${name}) dated ${date} has been provisonalised. Your seat will be confirmed once you complete the payment of the Security Deposit`,
  }).then(function (message) {
    alert("mail sent successfully");

Everything is working fine but the email id of the To: is constant, I would like to change the To: field automatically based on the email id given in the form, How can I do So?一切正常,但To:email id是不变的,我想根据表单中给出的电子邮件 ID 自动更改To:字段,我该怎么做?

Thanks for any help in advance.提前感谢您的任何帮助。

Just add a new argument of your sendMail function the email and pass it to To: :只需在email添加sendMail函数的新参数并将其传递给To:

function sendEmail(email, packageFields, name, date, persons) {
    Host: "smtp.gmail.com",
    Username: "trippyadive.web.app@gmail.com",
    Password: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
    To: email,
    From: "trippyadive.web.app@gmail.com",
    Subject: "Sending Email using javascript",
    Body: `Your package of ${packageFields} for ${name} with total ${persons} persons (incl. ${name}) dated ${date} has been provisonalised. Your seat will be confirmed once you complete the payment of the Security Deposit`,
  }).then(function (message) {
    alert("mail sent successfully");

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