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如何在 matplotlib 中创建自定义发散色图?

[英]How to create a custom diverging colormap in matplotlib?

I want to create a colormap similar to "RdBu" in matplotlib.我想在 matplotlib 中创建一个类似于“RdBu”的颜色图。 传统的“RdBu”

I want to make the colormap in this sequence light blue->dark blue-> black(center)->dark red->light red.我想在此序列中制作颜色图浅蓝色->深蓝色->黑色(中心)->深红色->浅红色。 Something like this.像这样的东西。 所需的颜色图

So it is similar to "RdBu" but white changes to black & dark colors interchanged with light colors. So it is just inverting the "RdBu" colors. I don't know how to do it.所以它类似于“RdBu”,但白色变为黑色和深色 colors 与光 colors 互换。所以它只是反转“RdBu”colors。我不知道该怎么做。

I just tried to create a colormap to meet my requirements recently.我最近只是尝试创建一个颜色图来满足我的要求。 Here is my attempt to build the colormap you need.这是我尝试构建您需要的颜色图。 I know it is not perfect.我知道这并不完美。 But it show you how to get started.但它向您展示了如何开始。

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.cm as cm
from matplotlib.colors import Normalize
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap

# create sample data set
# both will be: 0 - 1
x = np.random.rand(400)
y = np.random.rand(400)
# for realistic use
# set extreme values -900, +900 (approx.)
rval = 900
z = ((x+y)-1)*rval

# set up fig/ax for plotting
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(5, 5))

# option: set background color

# the colormap to create
low2hiColor = None

# create listedColormap
bottom = cm.get_cmap('Blues', 256)
top = cm.get_cmap('Reds_r', 256)
mycolormap = np.vstack((bottom(np.linspace(0.25, 1, 64)),
                        [0.03137255, 0.08823529, 0.41960784, 1.],
                        [0.02137255, 0.04823529, 0.21960784, 1.],
                        [0.01137255, 0.02823529, 0.11960784, 1.],
                        [0.00037255, 0.00823529, 0.00960784, 1.],
                        #[0.00000255, 0.00000529, 0.00060784, 1.],
mycolormap = np.vstack((mycolormap,
                        #[0.00060784, 0.00000529, 0.00000255, 1.],
                        [0.00960784, 0.00823529, 0.00037255, 1.],
                        [0.11960784, 0.02823529, 0.01137255, 1.],
                        [0.21960784, 0.04823529, 0.02137255, 1.],
                        [0.41960784, 0.08823529, 0.03137255, 1.],
mycolormap = np.vstack((mycolormap,
                        top(np.linspace(0, 0.75, 64)),

low2hiColor = ListedColormap(mycolormap, name='low2hiColor')

# colorbar is created separately using pre-determined `cmap`
minz = -900 #min(z)
maxz = 900  #max(z)
norm_low2hiColor = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(minz, maxz)

# plot dataset as filled contour
norm1 = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(minz, maxz)
cntr1 = ax.tricontourf(x, y, z, levels=64, cmap=low2hiColor, norm=norm1)

gridlines = ax.grid(b=True)  # this plot grid

cbar= plt.colorbar( cntr1 ) 
plt.title("Light-Dark Blue Black Dark-Light Red")

The sample plot:示例图:


I wanted to create diverging colormaps by simply combining existing ones.我想通过简单地组合现有的颜色图来创建不同的颜色图。

Here's the code:这是代码:

import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import colors
from typing import List, Tuple

def get_hex_col(cmap) -> List[str]:
    """Return list of hex colors for cmap"""
    return [colors.rgb2hex(cmap(i)) for i in range(cmap.N)]

def get_cmap_list(
        cmap_name: str, length_n: int) -> [str]:
    """Create a classified colormap of length N
    cmap = plt.cm.get_cmap(cmap_name, length_n)
    cmap_list = get_hex_col(cmap)
    return cmap_list

def get_diverging_colormap(
        cmap_diverging:Tuple[str,str], color_count: int = k_classes):
    """Create a diverging colormap from two existing with k classes"""
    div_cmaps: List[List[str]] = []
    for cmap_name in cmap_diverging:
        cmap_list = get_cmap_list(
            cmap_name, length_n=color_count)
    div_cmaps[1] = list(reversed(div_cmaps[1]))
    cmap_nodata_list = div_cmaps[1] + div_cmaps[0]
    return colors.ListedColormap(cmap_nodata_list)

# apply
cmaps_diverging: Tuple[str] = ("OrRd", "Purples")
cmap = get_diverging_colormap(cmaps_diverging)

# visualize
def display_hex_colors(hex_colors: List[str]):
    """Visualize a list of hex colors using pandas"""
    df = pd.DataFrame(hex_colors).T
    df.columns = hex_colors
    df.iloc[0,0:len(hex_colors)] = ""
    display(df.style.apply(lambda x: apply_formatting(x, hex_colors)))


Output for example "OrRd" and "Purples": Output 例如“OrRd”和“Purples”: 在此处输入图像描述

I made a simple tool that helps to create colormaps and generates the required code:我制作了一个简单的工具来帮助创建颜色图并生成所需的代码:

https://eltos.github.io/gradient/#4C71FF-0025B3-000000-C7030D-FC4A53 https://eltos.github.io/gradient/#4C71FF-0025B3-000000-C7030D-FC4A53


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And the code you get from the download button:以及您从下载按钮获得的代码:

 #!/usr/bin/env python from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap my_gradient = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('my_gradient', ( # Edit this gradient at https://eltos.github.io/gradient/#4C71FF-0025B3-000000-C7030D-FC4A53 (0.000, (0.298, 0.443, 1.000)), (0.250, (0.000, 0.145, 0.702)), (0.500, (0.000, 0.000, 0.000)), (0.750, (0.780, 0.012, 0.051)), (1.000, (0.988, 0.290, 0.325)))) if __name__ == '__main__': import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt plt.imshow([np.arange(1000)], aspect="auto", cmap=my_gradient) plt.show()

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