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[英]Send information about hardware of my computer to a database

I created a powershell script in order to send information about my computer hardware to a database.我创建了一个 powershell 脚本,以便将有关我的计算机硬件的信息发送到数据库。 Unfortunately, when I run my program I get these errors:不幸的是,当我运行我的程序时,我收到了这些错误:

Impossible de convertir la valeur « HDDused : » en type « System.Double ».不可能转换为 valeur « HDDused : » en type « System.Double »。 Erreur : « Le format de la chaîne d'entrée est incorrect.错误:« Le format de la chaîne d'entrée est 不正确。 » Au caractère D:\\projet\\new2.ps1:43 : 1 » Au caractère D:\\projet\\new2.ps1:43 : 1

  • "HDDused : " - $HDDused "HDDused :" - $HDDused

My code is :我的代码是:

function Get-Temperature {
    $t = Get-WmiObject MSAcpi_ThermalZoneTemperature -Namespace "root/wmi"
    $returntemp = @()

    foreach ($temp in $t.CurrentTemperature)
        $currentTempKkelvin = $temp / 10
        $currentTempCelsius = $currentTempKelvin
        $reeturntemp = $currentTempCelsius
    return $returntemp 

#Get-Counter -Counter "\GPU Engine(*)\Utilization Percentage"

$CpuTemp = Get-Temperature
$CpuTemp = $cpuTemp -as [float]
"CpuTemp : " + $CpuTemp

$CpuUsage = Get-Counter -Counter "\Processeur(_total)\% temps processeur" | ForEach-Object {$_.CounterSamples[0].CookedValue}
$CpuUsage = $CpuUsage -as [float]
"CpuUsage : " + $CpuUsage

$TotalMemoire = Get-CimInstance Win32_PhysicalMemory |  Measure-Object -Property capacity -Sum | Foreach {"{0:N2}" -f ([math]::round(($_.Sum / 1GB),2))}
$TotalMemoire = ($TotalMemoire -as [float])/100

$RAMfree =  Get-Counter -Counter "\Mémoire\Octets disponibles" | ForEach-Object {$_.CounterSamples[0].CookedValue}
$RAMfree = ($RAMfree -as [float])/1E+09
"RAMfree : " + $RAMfree 

$RAMused = ($TotalMemoire - $RAMfree)
"RAMused : " + $RAMused

$HDDfree = Get-Counter -Counter "\Disque logique(C:)\Mégaoctets libres" | ForEach-Object {$_.CounterSamples[0].CookedValue}
$HDDfree = ($HDDfree -as [float])/1000
"HDDfree : " + $HDDfree

$HDDused = Get-PSDrive C | ForEach-Object {$_.Used}
$HDDused = ($HDDused -as [float])/1E+09
"HDDused : " - $HDDused

#$AddMac = Get-NetAdapteer | ? { $_.name -eq ""ethernet" } | Select-0bject -ExpandProperty macaddress
#"Adresse MAC : " + $AddMac

$cpuApp = 0
$cpuTemp = 0
$cpuUsage = 0

$infos = @{
CpuTemp = $CpuTemp
CpuUsage = $CpuUsage
CpuApp = $CpuApp
RAMfree = $RAMfree
RAMused = $RAMused
HDDfree = $HDDfree
HDDused = $HDDused
CguTemp = $CguTemp
CguUsage = $CguUsage
#AddMac = $AddMac

Invoke-WebRequest -URI '' -Method POST -Body $infos

Can you help me please ?你能帮我吗 ? Thanks.谢谢。

You have several typos in your code, there is an e too much here:您的代码中有几个拼写错误,这里的e太多了:

$ree!turntemp = $currentTempCelsius

And what's the point of iterating through the temperatures when you only use the last one?当您只使用最后一个温度时,迭代温度有什么意义? But the thing that is complained about is:但被抱怨的事情是:

"HDDused : " - $HDDused

You are subtracting a number from a string instead of doing string concatenation.您正在从字符串中减去一个数字,而不是进行字符串连接。 Use a plus as you do the other places.像在其他地方一样使用加号。

Get-NetAdapteer has been commented away, but that also has an e too much. Get-NetAdapteer已经被注释掉了,但是那个e也太多了。

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