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(Discord.JS) 当用户加入时机器人不发送 DM 消息

[英](Discord.JS) Bot not sending DM message when a user join

For sending the DM Message, i use:为了发送 DM 消息,我使用:

bot.on('guildMemberAdd', (member) => {

I cannot understand what is wrong with this code so that the private message that should be sent is not being sent.我无法理解此代码有什么问题,因此没有发送应该发送的私人消息。 Help-me, please!请帮帮我!

The problem here is that you used member.send which is unnecessary and that's why the result is bad.这里的问题是您使用了没有必要的member.send ,这就是结果不好的原因。

Use message.author.send('your text here');使用message.author.send('your text here');

Also, for the welcome code to work, this is my code:另外,为了让欢迎代码起作用,这是我的代码:

client.on('guildMemberAdd', guildMember => { let welcome = guildMember.guild.roles.cache.find(role => role.name === 'Verified'); guildMember.roles.add(welcome); guildMember.guild.channels.cache.get('welcome channel id').send(Welcome <@${guildMember.user.id}> to my server! Make sure to check the rules channel! ); }) client.on('guildMemberAdd', guildMember => { let welcome = guildMember.guild.roles.cache.find(role => role.name === 'Verified'); guildMember.roles.add(welcome); guildMember.guild.channels.cache.get('welcome channel id').send(Welcome <@${guildMember.user.id}> to my server! Make sure to check the rules channel! ); })

Also, replace client with bot.另外,用bot替换客户端。 I named it differently.我给它起了不同的名字。

Hope this helps!希望这可以帮助!

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