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[英]How to get a field which is an object from Firestore?

I have a database like this:我有一个这样的数据库:


and I want to retrieve that q8, I already made a Class in my app with all those fields:我想检索那个 q8,我已经在我的应用程序中创建了一个包含所有这些字段的类:

public class Question {

    boolean completed;
    String hint;
    String hintImage;
    String hintimagename;
    String id;
    String imagePathWeb;
    String passw;
    String strikes;

    public Question(boolean completed, String hint, String hintImage, String hintimagename, String id, String imagePathWeb, String passw, String strikes) {
... ...

and the getters and setters

I have many of these qs like q1,q2,q3...q20 and I want them to be stored in an List.我有很多这样的 qs,比如 q1,q2,q3...q20,我希望它们存储在一个列表中。

I'm stuck here:我被困在这里:

   db.collection("games").document(huntPlayID).addSnapshotListener(new EventListener<DocumentSnapshot>() {
            public void onEvent(@Nullable DocumentSnapshot snapshot,
                                @Nullable FirebaseFirestoreException e) {
                if(e!=null) {
                    System.err.println("Listen Failed:" + e);

                if(snapshot != null && snapshot.exists()) {
                } else {
                    System.out.print("curent data: null");

 private void changeUI(final DocumentSnapshot game) {
 Question q1 = new Question(
    // game.get("q1".completed ??

game is my document, but how can I access that completed field of q8 ? game 是我的文档,但我如何访问 q8 的完整字段? or any others fields?或任何其他领域? How can I access those values and insert them into my Question Object.. Thank you for your time!我如何访问这些值并将它们插入我的问题对象中..谢谢您的时间!

Thank you in advance!先感谢您!

When get q1 entirely you get back a Map<String,Object> that you then can get the subfields from:当完全获取q1您会返回一个Map<String,Object> ,然后您可以从中获取子字段:

Map<String,Object> q1 = (Map<String,Object>) snapshot.get("q1");
bool q1completed = (bool) q1["completed"]

I think you can use also dot notation to address nested fields directly:我认为您也可以使用点表示法直接处理嵌套字段:


The best solution will be to reorganise your firestore document and use array instead of map.最好的解决方案是重新组织您的 firestore 文档并使用数组而不是地图。 Remember, you are charged for every document load, if you load the whole document or 1 field the price is the same.请记住,您需要为每个文档加载付费,如果您加载整个文档或 1 个字段,则价格是相同的。 When loading you will need to do this:加载时,您需要执行以下操作:

private static class Questions {
    Arraylist<Question> questions;
    // add constructor + getter 

private ArrayList<Questions> arr; private void changeUI(final DocumentSnapshot game) {
    Questions questions = game.toObject(Questions.class);
    arr = questions.getQuestions();  

If you still want to read fields one by one you should do this:如果您仍然想一个一个地阅读字段,您应该这样做:

private void changeUI(final DocumentSnapshot game) {
    Question question = game.get("q1").toObject(Question.class); 

But you should remember that 2nd option will be much more expensive但是你应该记住,第二个选项会贵得多

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