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如何在 Powershell 中解析这个字符串?

[英]How do parse this string in Powershell?

I have a block of text I need to parse (saved in a variable) but I'm unsure how to go about it.我有一段文本需要解析(保存在变量中),但我不确定如何处理。 This block of text, saved in a variable we can call $block for simplicity's sake, includes all the whitespace shown below.这个文本块保存在一个变量中,为简单起见,我们可以称之为$block ,包括下面显示的所有空格。

I would like the result to be an iterable list, the first value being Health_AEPOEP_Membership_Summary - Dev and the second one being Health_AEPOEP_YoY_Comparison_Summary - Dev .我希望结果是一个可迭代列表,第一个值是Health_AEPOEP_Membership_Summary - Dev ,第二个值是Health_AEPOEP_YoY_Comparison_Summary - Dev Assume this list of workbooks can be longer (up to 50) or shorter (minimum 1 workbook), and all workbooks are formatted similarly (in terms of name_with_underscores - Dev . I'd try the $block.split(" ") method, but this method gives many spaces which may be hard to enumerate and account for.假设此工作簿列表可以更长(最多 50 个)或更短(最少 1 个工作簿),并且所有工作簿的格式都类似(就name_with_underscores - Dev 。我会尝试$block.split(" ")方法,但是这种方法提供了许多可能难以枚举和解释的空间。

                    Workbooks : Health_AEPOEP_Membership_Summary - Dev [Project: Health - Dev]
                                Health_AEPOEP_YoY_Comparison_Summary - Dev [Project: Health - Dev]

Any help is much appreciated!任何帮助深表感谢!

If the text is in a file it would make this a little easier, and I would recommend this approach如果文本在文件中,它会使这更容易一些,我会推荐这种方法

switch -Regex -file ($file){
    '(\w+_.+- Dev)' {$matches.1}

Regex details正则表达式详情

() - capture group () - 捕获组

\\w+ - match one or more letter characters \\w+ - 匹配一个或多个字母字符

_ - match literal underscore _ - 匹配文字下划线

.+ - match one or more of any character .+ - 匹配一个或多个任意字符

- Dev - literal match of dash space Dev - Dev - 破折号空间 Dev 的字面匹配

If it's already in a variable, it would depend if it's a string array or a single string.如果它已经在变量中,则取决于它是字符串数组还是单个字符串。 Assuming it's a single string, I'd recommend this approach假设它是一个单一的字符串,我会推荐这种方法

$regex = [regex]'(\w+_.+)(?=(\s\[.+))'


Health_AEPOEP_Membership_Summary - Dev
Health_AEPOEP_YoY_Comparison_Summary - Dev

Regex details正则表达式详情

Same as above but added the following与上面相同,但添加了以下内容

(?=) - Look ahead (?=) - 向前看

\\s\\[.+ - match a space, a left square bracket, one or more characters \\s\\[.+ - 匹配一个空格、一个左方括号、一个或多个字符

Simply add a variable assignment $strings = before either of these to capture the output.只需在其中任何一个之前添加变量赋值$strings =即可捕获输出。 Either would work on one or 500 workbooks.可以处理一本或 500 份工作簿。

You could write a multi-line regex pattern and try to extract the names, but it might be easier to reason about if you just breaking it into simple(r) steps:您可以编写一个多行正则表达式模式并尝试提取名称,但如果您只是将其分解为简单的(r)步骤,则可能更容易推理:

$string = @'

                    Workbooks : Health_AEPOEP_Membership_Summary - Dev [Project: Health - Dev]
                                Health_AEPOEP_YoY_Comparison_Summary - Dev [Project: Health - Dev]


# Split into one string per line
$strings = $string -split '\r?\n'

# Remove leading whitespace
$strings = $strings -replace '^\s*' 

# Remove `Workbooks : ` prefix (strings that don't match will be left untouched)
$strings = $strings -replace '^Workbooks :\s*' 

# Remove `[Project $NAME]` suffix
$strings = $strings -replace '\s*\[Project: [^\]]+\]'

# Get rid of empty lines
$strings = $strings |Where-Object Length

$strings now contains the two project names $strings现在包含两个项目名称

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