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在列表的每个数据框中创建新列,并根据位置 (R) 从字符向量中填充字符串

[英]Create new column in each dataframe of list and fill with string from character vector based on position (R)

I have a list of data frames and a character vector with strings.我有一个数据框列表和一个带字符串的字符向量。 The number of dataframes and the number of strings in the chr are the same.数据帧的数量和chr中的字符串数量相同。

I'd like to populate a specific column in each dataframe in the list with the string at the corresponding position in the character vector我想用字符向量中相应位置的字符串填充列表中每个数据框中的特定列

dfs<-list(mtcars[,1:4], iris[,1:4])
dfs <- lapply(dfs, function(x) transform(x, mycol=""))

z <- c("red", "blue")

As the final output I'd like作为我想要的最终输出

dfs[[1]]$mycol to be populated with red and dfs[[1]]$mycol填充red

dfs[[2]]$mycol to be populated with blue dfs[[2]]$mycolblue填充

Conceptually, I think I need to do something like this:从概念上讲,我认为我需要做这样的事情:

dfs <- lapply(dfs, function(n) dfs[[n]]$mycol <- z[n]) , but I get the error dfs <- lapply(dfs, function(n) dfs[[n]]$mycol <- z[n]) ,但我得到错误

Error in z[n] : invalid subscript type 'list' z[n] 中的错误:无效的下标类型“列表”

The real data is a list of 97 elements真正的数据是一个包含 97 个元素的列表

You can also try creating directly mycol with mapply() :您也可以尝试使用mapply()直接创建mycol

dfs<-list(mtcars[,1:4], iris[,1:4])
z <- c("red", "blue")
L <- mapply(function(x,y) {x$mycol<-y;return(x)},x=dfs,y=z,SIMPLIFY = F)

This is what you're after这就是你所追求的

lapply(1:n, function(x) transform(dfs[x], mycol = z[x]))

When you want to perform an apply by passing an index on several objects, simply apply on 1:n then pass this as an argument to the different objects within the anonymous function.当您想通过在多个对象上传递索引来执行apply ,只需在1:napply ,然后将其作为参数传递给匿名函数中的不同对象。

EDIT transform only works with all objects contained in the same environment.编辑transform仅适用于包含在同一环境中的所有对象。 So it throws the error object not found with the previous code because dfs exists the .GlobalEnv while x exists only in the function environments.所以它抛出了之前代码中object not found的错误object not found ,因为dfs存在.GlobalEnvx只存在于函数环境中。

The below code works下面的代码有效

lapply(c(1:n), function(x) {
  toreplace <<- z[x] # forcing to parent envir using <<-
  base::transform(dfs[x], mycol = toreplace)

We could use Map with transform in base R我们可以在base R使用Maptransform

Map(transform, dfs, mycol = z)

Or map2 from purrr或者来自purrr map2

map2(dfs, z, ~ .x %>%
                   mutate(mycol = .y))

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