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[英]why "in" generator is much faster than "in" list in python


from timeit import timeit

print(timeit("5 in [i for i in range(0, 100)]"))
print(timeit("5 in map(int, range(0, 100))"))

and this is result:这是结果:


python 3.8.5 (also I think this make no reference to python version ^_^) python 3.8.5(我也认为这没有提到python版本^_^)

The in on map (which is an iterator, not a generator, technically speaking; generators are functions using yield or generator expressions, and they're a subset of the broader class of iterators) short-circuits as soon as it knows the result to be True , so it only actually produces and checks six values and then immediately returns True . map上的in (从技术上讲,它是迭代器,而不是生成器;生成器是使用yield或生成器表达式的函数,它们是更广泛的迭代器类的子集)一旦知道结果就会短路为True ,因此它实际上只生成并检查六个值,然后立即返回True The list comprehension, by contrast, must produce the entire list of 100 elements before checking any of them.list理解,相反,必须出示整个list检查其中的任何前100个元素。

If your test was for an element that wasn't in the iterable in question, map 's win, if any (the pointless call to int hurts it, performance-wise), would be smaller, but when the iterable contains the element, and it's early in the iterable, short-circuiting is clearly faster even if each element is more costly to produce, because it produces so many fewer elements.如果您的测试是针对不在所讨论的迭代中的元素,则map的胜利,如果有的话(对int的毫无意义的调用会损害它,性能方面)会更小,但是当迭代包含该元素时,并且在可迭代的早期,即使每个元素的生产成本更高,短路也明显更快,因为它产生的元素少得多。

Generator expressions are much better than list comprehensions.生成器表达式比列表推导式要好得多。

Iterating over the generator expression or the list comprehension will do the same thing.迭代生成器表达式或列表推导会做同样的事情。 However, the list comprehension will create the entire list in memory first while the generator expression will create the items on the fly, so you are able to use it for very large and also even infinite sequences但是,列表推导将首先在内存中创建整个列表,而生成器表达式将动态创建项目,因此您可以将其用于非常大甚至无限的序列

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