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是否有软件或脚本可以记录我对 MadCap Flare 中的项目文件所做的更改?

[英]Is there a software or script that logs the changes I apply to project files in MadCap Flare?

I use MadCap Flare to work as a Desktop Publisher, mainly applying minor changes to CSS and Variables inside MadCap Flare prjects that have undergone a translation process in several languages.我使用 MadCap Flare 作为桌面出版商,主要对经过多种语言翻译过程的 MadCap Flare 项目中的 CSS 和变量进行细微更改。 One of my clients asked me to specifically register the name of each and every file of their project that I may touch in any way.我的一个客户要求我专门注册他们项目中我可能以任何方式接触的每个文件的名称。 Now, this wouldn't such a big problem if their projects were made of 20 files, but since we are talking hundreds of files and thousands of PDF pages, I find myself in quite dire straits keeping track of everyithing I do in each session, especially when it comes to apply changes to Variables and cross-references that modify dozens of files at the same time (without me even noticing, sometimes).现在,如果他们的项目由 20 个文件组成,这不会是一个大问题,但是由于我们正在讨论数百个文件和数千个 PDF 页面,我发现自己在跟踪我在每个会话中所做的一切时陷入了非常可怕的困境,尤其是在对同时修改数十个文件的变量和交叉引用应用更改时(有时我什至没有注意到)。

Given all of the above: do you know of a program/script/plugin that can work with or within MadCap Flare and that can help me tracking these changings, or at least the name of the files that are modified?鉴于以上所有内容:您是否知道可以与 MadCap Flare 一起使用或在 MadCap Flare 中使用的程序/脚本/插件,它可以帮助我跟踪这些更改,或者至少是被修改的文件的名称? It would be a real life saver!这将是一个真正的救星!

Thank you all for any help you might be able to give!感谢大家提供的任何帮助!

Are you using git?你在用 git 吗? If so, you can list all the files that have been changed between two commits with the following:如果是这样,您可以使用以下命令列出两次提交之间已更改的所有文件:

git diff --name-only <SHA1> <SHA2>

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