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如何使用 Jetpack Compose 创建一个 Spannable GridView?

[英]How to create a Spannable GridView with Jetpack Compose?


There's not a composable to do that out of the box, if that's what your asking.如果那是您的要求,则没有开箱即用的组合。 It is, however, possible to create something like this, after defining exactly how do you want items to be positioned.但是,在准确定义您希望如何放置项目之后,可以创建类似的内容。 It's not viable to post an answer here since we don't even know how the composable would behave, but if you started it, we could help with specifics.在此处发布答案是不可行的,因为我们甚至不知道可组合项的行为方式,但是如果您启动了它,我们可以提供具体帮助。

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