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C++ 模板特化和函数返回值

[英]C++ template specialization and function returned value

How would I specialize the getValue() function in the following example to return a value based on a type?在以下示例中,我将如何专门化 getValue() 函数以返回基于类型的值? How to achieve this in the class definition?如何在类定义中实现这一点? Is it possible?是否可以?

template <typename Type>
class Abc
        Type init;
        Abc() : init(getValue()) {}
        template<> static uint8_t getValue() { return 123; }
        template<> static uint16_t getValue() { return 45678; }

You can use std::is_same to write a non-templated function that returns a value depending on the template parameter of the class:您可以使用std::is_same编写一个非模板化函数,该函数根据类的模板参数返回一个值:

template <typename Type>
class Abc
    static Type getValue() { 
        if (std::is_same<Type, std::uint8_t>::value) {
            return 123;
        } else if (std::is_same<Type, std::uint16_t>::value) {
            return 45678;

This example is simple enough that this will compile with C++11: both return statements are valid regardless of whether Type is a uint8_t or a uint16_t .这个例子很简单,可以用 C++11 编译:无论Typeuint8_t还是uint16_t ,这两个return语句都是有效的。 However, if it gets more complicated you might have to use C++17's constexpr if , for example:但是,如果它变得更复杂,您可能必须使用 C++17 的constexpr if ,例如:

    static Type getValue() { 
        if constexpr (std::is_same<Type, std::uint8_t>::value) {
            return 123;
        } else if constexpr (std::is_same<Type, std::uint16_t>::value) {
            return 45678;
        } else if constexpr (std::is_same<Type, const char *>::value) {
            return "9abcdef";

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