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使用 javascript jquery 3.5.1 获取所有表元素的值,包括 td、textarea 或 innerHtml 值

[英]Get all table elements' values with javascript jquery 3.5.1, including td, textarea or innerHtml values

Could you please tell me how to get any html table's elements values with jquery ?你能告诉我如何使用 jquery 获取任何 html 表的元素值吗? I can get textarea values or td values but I would like to retrieve both and some more coming in furure.我可以获取 textarea 值或 td 值,但我想检索这两个值以及更多的值。 Now I can't get modified textarea values saved in local file现在我无法获得保存在本地文件中的修改后的 textarea 值

NB : The table should normally comes from importing a json file, which will be saved on local with local js server注意:表通常应该来自导入一个 json 文件,该文件将保存在本地与本地 js 服务器

        <title>Rockin' Page</title>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-3.5.1.js"></script>  
        <textarea id="textbox">Type something here</textarea> <button id="create">Sauvegarder</button> <a download="info.txt" id="downloadlink" style="display: none">Download</a>

<table id="example-table" class="table table-striped">
<tr><th>Column 1</th><th>Column 2</th><th>Column 3</th></tr>
<tr id"pop1"><td><textarea class="textbox" id="col1">bla bla A1</textarea></td><td><textarea id="textbox">bla bla B1</textarea></td><td><textarea id="textbox">bla bla C1</textarea></td></tr>

<tr id"pop2"><td><textarea class="textbox" id="col2">bla bla A2</textarea></td><td><textarea id="textbox">bla bla B2</textarea></td><td><textarea id="textbox">bla bla C2</textarea></td></tr>

<tr id"pop3"><td><textarea class="textbox" id="col3">bla bla A3</textarea></td><td><textarea id="textbox">bla bla B3</textarea></td><td><textarea id="textbox">bla bla C3</textarea></td></tr>


    <script type="text/javascript">
(function Enregistrer() {

  var textFile = null,
  makeTextFile = function (text) {

    var formattedText = text.replace(/\n/g, '\r\n') // garde les retours à la ligne in textarea

    var data = new Blob([formattedText], {type: 'text/plain'});

    if (textFile !== null) {

    textFile = window.URL.createObjectURL(data);

    return textFile;

  var create = document.getElementById('create'),
    textbox = document.getElementById('textbox');

  create.addEventListener('click', function () {
    var link = document.createElement('a');
    link.setAttribute('download', 'info.txt'); // nom fichier enregistré downloadé
    link.href = makeTextFile(textbox.value+'\n '+ParseurTable()); // collecte données à enregistrer

    window.requestAnimationFrame(function () {
      var event = new MouseEvent('click');
  }, false);

function ParseurTable(){
var myRows = [];
var $headers = $("th");
var $rows = $("tbody tr").each(function(index) {
  $cells = $(this).find("textarea"),$(this).find("td");
  myRows[index] = {};
  $cells.each(function(cellIndex) {
    myRows[index][$($headers[cellIndex]).html()] = $(this).html();

var myObj = {};
myObj.myrows = myRows;
 return JSON.stringify(myObj);


I couldn't retrieve manually updated data from textareas since they have innerHtml prefilled content.我无法从 textareas 检索手动更新的数据,因为它们具有 innerHtml 预填充内容。 And solution is .val() to get textarea's content解决方案是 .val() 来获取 textarea 的内容

function ParseurTable(){
    var table = $("table tbody");
    var $headers = $("th");
    var total = [];
    var nbLignes = total.length;
    table.find('tr').each(function (index) {
        var $Colonnes = $(this).find('textarea'),
            Colonne1 = $Colonnes.eq(0).val(),
            Colonne2 = $Colonnes.eq(1).val(),
            Colonne3 = $Colonnes.eq(2).val(),
            Colonne4 = $Colonnes.eq(3).val();
        total[index] = 'A' + (index + 1) +" : "+ Colonne1 +' ; B' + (index + 1) +" : "+ Colonne2 +' ; C' + (index + 1) +" : "+ Colonne3;

var myObj = {}; // put data in object and convert to JSON
myObj.myrows = total;
 return JSON.stringify(myObj);

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