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[英]Remote Machine Scan

As part of a web-application I'm building, I need to be able to scan the remote user's machine for viruses / malware, before they can continue using the web-application ... something like the McAfee On-Demand Scan. 作为我正在构建的Web应用程序的一部分,我需要能够扫描远程用户的计算机上是否存在病毒/恶意软件,然后他们才能继续使用Web应用程序……例如McAfee On-Demand Scan。

I'm assuming that ActiveX would be the way to go (since all the On-Demand scanners of the antivirus companies seem to be ActiveX-based). 我以为ActiveX是可行之路(因为防病毒公司的所有按需扫描程序似乎都是基于ActiveX的)。

I'm a bit stuck on how to solve this problem. 我对如何解决这个问题有些困惑。 I'm hoping I don't have to rustle up something from scratch. 我希望我不必从头开始沙沙作响。

Does anybody have any ideas ? 有人有什么想法吗? Is it possible to integrate some already available component into my code to do this ? 是否可以将一些已经可用的组件集成到我的代码中以执行此操作?

Do let me know if there's more information you need. 如果需要更多信息,请告诉我。

Regards, Sonal. 问候,Sonal。

Short Answer: Just don't do this. 简短的回答:只是不要这样做。

Long Answer: I would seriously re-evaluate your requirements here. 长答案:我会认真地在这里重新评估您的要求。 Forcing a virus scan from a webapp is essentially impossible to do properly, and serves no real purpose from the perspective of the webapp. 从Web应用程序强制进行病毒扫描基本上是不可能正确执行的,并且从Web应用程序的角度来看并没有真正的目的。 The whole point of the web is that it's a request initiated by the user, and run inside a sandbox. 网络的全部意义在于它是用户发起的请求,并且在沙盒中运行。 Forcing access to the rest of the machine for something like a virus scan is deliberately the exact opposite of the way it is meant to work 故意进行诸如病毒扫描之类的访问机器其余部分的意图与工作方式完全相反

The only thing I can think of which would be sensible would be to offer an on demand scan, for which you would be best to redirect your users to an expert in the area - Panda ActiveScan is probably as good as any. 我唯一能想到的是提供按需扫描,为此,您最好将用户重定向到该领域的专家-Panda ActiveScan可能和其他同类产品一样好。 But services such as these rely on downloadable program anyway in the form of java applet, browser plugin or similar - it's not done over the web. 但是诸如此类的服务无论如何都依赖于Java Applet,浏览器插件或类似形式的可下载程序-并非通过网络来完成。

Is the user part of your company? 用户是您公司的一部分吗? Is this an application that they will be required to use as part of their employment? 这是他们在工作中需要使用的应用程序吗? If not, I can hardly see people visiting your site and saying "Oooh... he wants me to download and run a program on my machine!" 如果没有,我几乎看不到有人访问您的网站并说:“哦,他要我下载并在我的计算机上运行程序!” Sounds like a great way to get your site on a bunch of "block lists". 听起来,这是将您的网站列入“阻止列表”的一种好方法。

Also, do you have a commercial arrangement with a virus scanning company that would allow you to install multiple copies of their commercial software on people's machines? 另外,您是否与一家病毒扫描公司进行了商业安排,从而可以在人的机器上安装其商业软件的多个副本? I'm guessing not. 我猜不是。

Really, I have to agree with Colin. 真的,我必须同意科林的观点。 This idea sounds dead before it even starts. 这个想法在开始之前听起来就已经死了。

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