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[英]irregular/varying batch size in tensorflow?

I have a tensorflow dataset and would like to batch it such that batches do not have the same size - something like examples being grouped in batches whose sizes are defined by a vector of values rather than a fixed value.我有一个tensorflow数据集,想批就这样批具有相同的尺寸-类似的例子分批其大小由值的向量,而不是一个固定值的定义进行分组。

Is there a way to do it within tensorflow?有没有办法在张量流中做到这一点?

And for a network without fixed batch size, is feeding irregular batches going to be a problem?而对于一个没有固定批量大小的网络,喂食不规则的批次会成为一个问题吗?

Thanks in advance!提前致谢!

The answer is yes.答案是肯定的。 model.fit() method allows to pass to it a generator which will generate randomly-sized batches. model.fit() 方法允许将生成器传递给它,该生成器将生成随机大小的批次。

x_train_batches = ... # some list of data batches of uneven length 
y_train_batches = ... # some list of targets of SAME lengths as x_train_batches

def train_gen(x_train_batches, y_train_batches):
    i = 0
    num_batches = len(x_train_batches)
    while True:
        yield (x_train_batches[i%num_batches], y_train_batches[i%num_batches])
        i += 1

model.fit(train_gen(x_train_batches, y_train_batches), epochs=epochs, steps_per_epoch=NUM_BATCHES)

Another, more elegant, way would be to subclass tf.keras.utils.Sequence and feed it to the model:另一种更优雅的方法是将tf.keras.utils.Sequence子类tf.keras.utils.Sequence并将其提供给模型:

class UnevenSequence(keras.utils.Sequence):
      def __init__(self, x_batches, y_batches):
          # x_batches, y_batches are lists of uneven batches
          self.x, self.y = x_batches, y_batches
      def __len__(self):
          return len(self.x)
      def __getitem__(self, idx):
          batch_x = self.x[idx]
          batch_y = self.y[idx]
          return (batch_x, batch_y)

my_uneven_sequence = UnevenSequence(x_train_batches, y_train_batches)

model.fit(my_uneven_sequence, epochs=10)

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