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[英]Property scrollbar-width doesn't exist : none error

I want to hide the scrollbar in Firefox Browser so i used the following in css: scrollbar-width: none;我想在 Firefox 浏览器中隐藏滚动条,所以我在 css 中使用了以下内容: scrollbar-width: none; when i validate the css file in W3C css validator it shows me the following error:当我在 W3C css 验证器中验证 css 文件时,它显示了以下错误:

Property scrollbar-width doesn't exist : none属性滚动条宽度不存在:无

how to fix this error?如何修复这个错误?

According to https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/scrollbar-width the Browser support isn't quit there yet.根据https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/scrollbar-width浏览器支持尚未退出。

The validator probably doesn't recognize it for this reason.由于这个原因,验证器可能无法识别它。

EDIT: To learn how to hide the scrollbar for different browsers see w3schools编辑:要了解如何隐藏不同浏览器的滚动条,请参阅w3schools

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