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module.exports 上的 eslint 关键字错误

[英]eslint keyword errors on module.exports

I am getting the following strange errors from eslint CI for my jest.config.js file.对于我的 jest.config.js 文件,我从 eslint CI 收到以下奇怪的错误。

  1:1  error  Rule 'no-empty-label' was removed and replaced by: no-labels                 no-empty-label
  1:1  error  Rule 'no-reserved-keys' was removed and replaced by: quote-props             no-reserved-keys
  1:1  error  Rule 'space-after-keywords' was removed and replaced by: keyword-spacing     space-after-keywords
  1:1  error  Rule 'space-return-throw-case' was removed and replaced by: keyword-spacing  space-return-throw-case

They seem to be complaining about some js keyword, although I cannot see any.他们似乎在抱怨一些 js 关键字,尽管我看不到任何关键字。 This is the full jest.config.js file:这是完整的 jest.config.js 文件:

/* global module */

module.exports = {
    roots: [
    collectCoverageFrom: [
    setupFiles: [
    setupFilesAfterEnv: [
    testMatch: [
    testEnvironment: 'jest-environment-jsdom-fourteen',
    testPathIgnorePatterns: [
    transform: {
        '^.+\\.(js|jsx|ts|tsx)$': 'babel-jest',
        '^.+\\.css$': '<rootDir>/config/jest/cssTransform.js',
        '^(?!.*\\.(js|jsx|ts|tsx|css|json)$)': '<rootDir>/config/jest/fileTransform.js'
    transformIgnorePatterns: [
    modulePaths: [
    moduleNameMapper: {
        '^.+\\.module\\.(css|sass|scss)$': 'identity-obj-proxy'
    moduleFileExtensions: [
    watchPlugins: [

Does anybody see what eslint is complaining about?有人看到 eslint 在抱怨什么吗?

ESLint reports config errors as an issue with the first line of files it's applied to. ESLint 将配置错误报告为它应用到的第一行文件的问题。 As @sleepwalker mentioned it should have to do with your eslint config (eg .eslingrc ).正如@sleepwalker 提到的,它应该与您的 eslint 配置(例如.eslingrc )有关。

Looking up the first rule that is failing: no-empty-label .查找第一条失败的规则: no-empty-label

It has the following warning:它有以下警告:

This rule was removed in ESLint v2.0 and replaced by the no-labels rule.此规则在 ESLint v2.0 中被移除并被无标签规则取代。

So it's likely you need to follow the error recommendations, and make those modifications to your ESLint config.因此,您可能需要遵循错误建议,并对 ESLint 配置进行这些修改。


-   "no-empty-label": "error"
+   "no-labels": "error"

or if you want the exact same behavior (meaning you do want labels in specific cases):或者如果您想要完全相同的行为(这意味着您确实需要在特定情况下使用标签):

-   "no-empty-label": "error"
+   "no-labels": ["error", { "allowLoop": true, "allowSwitch": true }]

It's also possible these rules are coming from a config you're extending, so you may have to look at either removing, overriding, or updating that config.这些规则也可能来自您正在扩展的配置,因此您可能需要考虑删除、覆盖或更新该配置。

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