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我可以对 ISO 7816 卡执行并发操作吗?

[英]Can I perform concurrent actions on an ISO 7816 card?

I know that ISO 7816 compliant cards, like modern EMV Chip and PIN cards, are typically used in a command response scenario, the reader sends a command APDU to the card, and the latter sends a response.我知道符合 ISO 7816 的卡,如现代 EMV 芯片和 PIN 卡,通常用于命令响应场景,读卡器向卡发送命令 APDU,后者发送响应。 However, can the card perform concurrent activities, such as perform any dummy action while it waits for a command from the reader, or does it have to wait passively?但是,卡是否可以执行并发活动,例如在等待读卡器命令时执行任何虚拟操作,还是必须被动等待?

What the main reason behind that?这背后的主要原因是什么? I think u cannot do parallel action on the card because each command ur sending affect the current card status.我认为您不能对卡进行并行操作,因为您发送的每个命令都会影响当前卡的状态。

The card does the action only based on the APDU command request.该卡仅根据 APDU 命令请求执行操作。 For a request, a response is expected, and in most cases in a sequence too.对于一个请求,需要一个响应,并且在大多数情况下也是一个序列。 To say, you cannot do a GET PO before SELECT, you cannot request a GEN AC before GET PO.也就是说,您不能在 SELECT 之前执行 GET PO,也不能在 GET PO 之前请求 GEN AC。

But I am curious what the 'concurrent activities' possible, could you think aloud?但我很好奇“并发活动”可能是什么,你能大声思考吗?

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