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[英]Error: Cannot Convert Value of Type “CueCardModel” to Closure Result Type “Void” SwiftUI

I am trying to make a Cue Card App.我正在尝试制作提示卡应用程序。 I have my DataDownloader class put my Firebase Database into an array, which the array passes to my CueCardViewModel, that returns a term and answer from a specific index to my CueCardView.我有我的 DataDownloader class 将我的 Firebase 数据库放入一个数组中,该数组传递给我的 CueCardViewModel,它从特定索引返回一个术语和答案到我的 CueCardView。

Confusing...so basically, the CueCardView should be able to call on the CueCardViewModel to get a term and answer at a specific index from the DataDownloader class.令人困惑......所以基本上,CueCardView 应该能够调用 CueCardViewModel 从 DataDownloader class 获取特定索引的术语和答案。 The problem I am having is the CueCardViewModel won't return.我遇到的问题是 CueCardViewModel 不会返回。 I am new to Swift and have tried searching for a way to do this, but I am confused because most videos/forums seem to be hardcoding their database so I am having trouble.我是 Swift 的新手,并试图寻找一种方法来做到这一点,但我很困惑,因为大多数视频/论坛似乎都在硬编码他们的数据库,所以我遇到了麻烦。

CueCardViewModel 错误图片


import SwiftUI

struct CueCardView: View
var viewModel = CueCardViewModel()
@State private var isShowingAnswer = false
var body: some View
        RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 25, style: .continuous)
            var a = getCue()
                    self.viewModel.initializeCues(index: 1)

extension CueCardView {
func getCue() -> String{
    return "BBBBBBB"
struct C1_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
    CueCardView().previewDevice("iPhone 12")


import SwiftUI

struct CueCardModel : Identifiable {
  var id: String = UUID().uuidString
  var term: String
  var answer: String


import SwiftUI
import Firebase

var dbRef = Firestore.firestore()
struct DataDownloader {
  func downloadCues(completion: @escaping ([CueCardModel]) -> Void) {
    var array = [CueCardModel]()
    dbRef.collection("Cue").getDocuments(){(snap, err) in
        if let err = err {
        } else {
            guard let snap = snap else {return}
            for doc in snap.documents {
                let id = doc.documentID
                let term = doc.get("term") as! String
                let answer = doc.get("answer") as! String
                let cue = CueCardModel(id: id, term: term, answer: answer)

CueCardViewModel: CueCardViewModel:

import SwiftUI
import Firebase

class CueCardViewModel: ObservableObject {

let dataDownloader = DataDownloader()

func initializeCues(index :Int) -> [CueCardModel] {
    dataDownloader.downloadCues{array in
        return array[0]

initializeCues needs to be an @escaping closure similar to your downloadCues function. initializeCues 需要是类似于您的 downloadCues function 的 @escaping 闭包。 When you're downloading the data, it will take some time to get the info from the database and return.. therefore you can't just 'return' immediately.当您下载数据时,从数据库中获取信息并返回需要一些时间。因此您不能立即“返回”。


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