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如何从列表中的多列添加字符串值<string> c# windows forms</string>

[英]How to add string values from multiple columns in List<string> c# windows forms

I'm trying to create List of strings from a SQL Server database table.我正在尝试从 SQL 服务器数据库表创建字符串列表。

Here is my stored procedure:这是我的存储过程:

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[spCountry_GetCountryDataById]
    @CountryId int

    -- Insert statements for procedure here
        CountryName, Continent, Population, Capital, 
        Language, Religion, Currency, DishName 
        id = @CountryId

And this is my method for query:这是我的查询方法:

public static List<string> GetCountryDataByCountryId(int countryId)
    List<string> countryData = new List<string>();

    using (IDbConnection connection = new SqlConnection(CnnString("MathemaKids")))
        DynamicParameters p = new DynamicParameters();
        p.Add("CountryId", countryId);

        countryData = connection.Query<string>("spCountry_GetCountryDataById", p, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure).ToList();

    return countryData;

So, I'm expecting 8 strings in my list, but when I run this it returns only first string ( CountryName ).所以,我希望列表中有 8 个字符串,但是当我运行它时,它只返回第一个字符串( CountryName )。

Where is the problem, anyone?问题出在哪里,有人吗?

Create a class that corresponds- maps to your table structure.创建对应于您的表结构的 class。 Try, like:试试,比如:

public class Country
  //I have defined all as strings, better to define them corresponding to your table datatypes
  public string CountryName {get;set;}
  public string Continent {get;set;}
  public string Population {get;set;}
  public string Capital {get;set;} 
  public string Language {get;set;}
  public string Religion {get;set;}
  public string Currency {get;set;}
  public string DishName {get;set;}

public static List<Country> GetCountryDataByCountryId(int countryId)
   List<Country> countryData = new List<Country>();
   using (IDbConnection connection = new SqlConnection(CnnString("MathemaKids")))
       DynamicParameters p = new DynamicParameters();
       p.Add("CountryId", countryId);
        countryData = connection.Query<string>("spCountry_GetCountryDataById", p, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure).ToList();
   return countryData;

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