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[英]Background color of sidebars, HTML,CSS

I would like to ask you something that has been bothering me for a while.我想问你一件困扰我一段时间的事情。 I currently learn HTML and CSS and we got this homework where we have to create a blog that has one article in the middle and two sidebars on the right, the background color of the site should be gray.我目前正在学习 HTML 和 CSS,我们得到了这个作业,我们必须创建一个博客,中间有一篇文章,右边有两个侧边栏,网站的背景颜色应该是灰色的。 the problem is that the main article and the two sidebars should have a white background color, so when I change the article's background color to white, it automatically takes control over 75% of the website, even outside the article.问题是主要文章和两个侧边栏应该有一个白色的背景色,所以当我将文章的背景色改为白色时,它会自动控制 75% 的网站,即使是在文章之外。 here is a screenshot.这是一个屏幕截图。

What I am trying to make https://f.v1.n0.cdn.getcloudapp.com/items/0k300n0O0J0c1l1B3K2J/blog-1.png我想做什么https://f.v1.n0.cdn.getcloudapp.com/items/0k300n0O0J0c1l1B3K2J/blog-1.png

What I get when I change the background color of the sidebars to white https://ctrlv.sk/WF4e当我将侧边栏的背景颜色更改为白色时得到什么https://ctrlv.sk/WF4e

 .main-image { height: 260px; width: 670px; }.main { text-align: center; padding: 40px; margin-top: -10px; }.main2 { background-color: white; } body { background-color: rgb(243, 243, 243) }.line { margin-top: 50px; } hr { margin-top: -20px; }.back { background-color: white; }.box-post { background: white; margin-left: 70px; }.sideimage { float: right; margin-top: -340px; width: 350px; margin-right: 100px; display: block; }.sidetext { text-align: right; margin-top: -180px; margin-right: 160px; }
 <title>Blog</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css"> <header> <div class="main2"> <h1 class="main"> <strong>Dopetrope</strong> </h1> </div> <hr> </header> <section id="main"> <article class="box-post"> <img class="main-image" src="pic01.jpg" alt="obrazocek"> <header> <h1>Right sidebar</h1> <h3>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet feugiat</h3> <div> </div></header> <p> </p><section class="box"> <img class="sideimage" src="pic09.jpg"> <h1 class="sidetext2">Sed etiam lorem nulla</h1> <p class="sidetext"> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet sit veroeros <br> sed amet blandit consequat veroeros <br> lorem blandit adipiscing et feugiat <br> phasellus tempus dolore ipsum lorem <br> dolore. </p> </section> <p> Vestibulum scelerisque ultricies libero id hendrerit. Vivamus malesuada quam faucibus ante <br> dignissim auctor hendrerit libero placerat. Nulla facilisi. Proin aliquam felis non arcu molestie at <br> accumsan turpis commodo. Proin elementum, nibh non egestas sodales, augue quam aliquet est, <br> id egestas diam justo adipiscing ante. Pellentesque tempus nulla non urna eleifend ut ultrices nisi <br> faucibus. <br><br><br> Praesent a dolor leo. Duis in felis in tortor lobortis volutpat et pretium tellus. Vestibulum ac ante <br> nisl, a elementum odio. Duis semper risus et lectus commodo fringilla. Maecenas sagittis convallis <br> justo vel mattis. placerat, nunc diam iaculis massa, et aliquet nibh leo non nisl vitae porta lobortis, <br> enim neque fringilla nunc, eget faucibus lacus sem quis nunc suspendisse, nec lectus sit amet <br> augue rutrum vulputate ut ut mi. Aenean elementum, mi sit amet portittor lorem ipsum dolor sit <br> amet, consecteur adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sir amet nullam consequat feugiat dolore <br> tempus. </p> </article> </section>

Any idea on how to change this?关于如何改变这个的任何想法? I hope you understand what I am trying to acheive here.我希望你明白我在这里想要达到的目标。 Also please don't mind the code too much if it's wrong, I am still pretty new to this stuff:D另外,如果代码有误,请不要太介意代码,我对这些东西还是很陌生:D

I think you may need to change your layout, by using one DIV on the left, and two DIVs on the right, as follows我认为您可能需要更改布局,在左侧使用一个 DIV,在右侧使用两个 DIV,如下所示

 .main { text-align: center; padding: 40px; margin-top: -10px; border-bottom:1px solid #DDDDDD; }.main2 { background-color: white; } body { background-color: rgb(243, 243, 243); margin:0; }.container { width:100%; padding:20px; }.leftbox { width:68%; float:left; background:#FFFFFF; }.image1 { padding:0px; background-image:url("https://i.stack.imgur.com/nhPHk.jpg"); height:160px;" }.image2 { padding:0px; background-image:url("https://i.stack.imgur.com/Vqklg.jpg"); height:50px; }.leftboxcontent { padding:20px; }.middlespace { width:3%; float:left; }.rightbox { width:25%; float:left; }.rightboxcontent1 { background-color:#FFFFFF; width:100%; }.rightboxcontent1a { padding:20px; }.rightboxcontent2 { background-color:#FFFFFF; width:100%; }.rightboxcontent2a { padding:20px; }
 <title>Blog</title> <body> <div class="main2"> <h1 class="main"> <strong>Dopetrope</strong> </h1> </div> <div class=container> <div class=leftbox> <div class=image1>&nbsp;</div> <div class=leftboxcontent> <h1>Right sidebar</h1> <h3>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet feugiat</h3> <h4>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet feugiat</h4> <h4>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet feugiat</h4> <h4>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet feugiat</h4> <h4>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet feugiat</h4> <h4>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet feugiat</h4> <h4>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet feugiat</h4> <h4>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet feugiat</h4> <h4>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet feugiat</h4> </div> <div>&nbsp;</div> </div> <div class=middlespace>&nbsp;</div> <div class=rightbox> <div> <div class=image2>&nbsp;</div> <div class=rightboxcontent1> <div class=rightboxcontent1a> TESTTEST<BR>TESTTEST<BR> TESTTEST<BR>TESTTEST<BR> TESTTEST<BR>TESTTEST<BR> TESTTEST<BR>TESTTEST<BR> TESTTEST<BR>TESTTEST<BR> TESTTEST<BR>TESTTEST<BR> </div> </div> </div> <br><br> <div> <div class=rightboxcontent2> <div class=rightboxcontent2a> TESTTEST2<BR>TESTTEST2<BR> TESTTEST2<BR>TESTTEST2<BR> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </body>

It is good practise to start with a strong structure before filling it with content.在填充内容之前先从一个强大的结构开始是一种很好的做法。 If you have a good structure, then you have less debugging.如果你有一个好的结构,那么你的调试就更少了。 Something like the template below.类似于下面的模板。

Tip.小费。 The display:flex is more flexible then the float:left display:flex 比 float:left 更灵活

 * { margin: 0; box-sizing: border-box; } #header { width: 100%; } #main { float: left; width: 70%; } #aside { float: left; width: 30%; } #footer { clear: both; width: 100%; } /* for test purpose only */.test { height: 80px; border: 1px solid orange; }
 <header id="header" class="test"> </header> <section id="main" class="test"> <article> </article> </section> <aside id="aside" class="test"> </aside> <footer id="footer" class="test"> </footer>

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